@StarKrayzie we have a few picked out but nothing for sure yet. Danielle, Elizabeth, or Brooke is what we have for the middle name. Not even sure if we're having a girl yet, but hoping. I have 3 boys already.
Aww, thanks ladies! these are all such pretty names! I went over most of them with my husband and he doesn't like any of them! So, still no name! I'm so frustrated!
Thank you all. All of these names are so nice! @MamaQueen-Amaris is really pretty, but my son's name is Amari, lol. @Jbandno3- that's a cute and unique name! I know exactly how you feel because my husband hasn't loved any names that I've picked out! Ugh! @kaylababy007- that's the name at the top of my list right now, but my husband says no.
He says that he knows someone by the last name Amaya that he doesn't care for and couldn't name the baby anything close to his name. He did say the name Alanah, which is what we almost named our second daughter, but I knew a mean, stuck up Alana when I wz younger. So basically, I feel the same way about that name as he does about Amaya, lol. This is getting harder! Ugh!
@Melissa- that is very similar to my aunt's name (Alma Lee) who passed away in 2003. I was considering that name, but my hubby doesn't really like it. @oavalos06- Thank you! My husband actually mentioned that name recently, but I'm not sure if it's too close to Alayah and/or more common than my other daughters' names. Idk
@oc86- Alessandra is a pretty name! @micheyla- Amanda is a little more common than we're hoping for, but it looks like we're running outta unique names anyway, lol @jcmommy- I like Alivia too, but not the hubby
Thanks again everyone! We still haven't agreed on a name yet, so please don't hesitate to keep listing all of the beautiful "A" names you hear/come up with on this post! You guys have been great!
@mommy2be20- I've always liked that name but our oldest daughter's name is Alayah and that might be too close. @SweetMama and ShannaRay -I love Amayah and Anayah, but my husband doesn't. I think he likes Alanah though.
@MamaQueen-Amaris is really pretty, but my son's name is Amari, lol.
@Jbandno3- that's a cute and unique name! I know exactly how you feel because my husband hasn't loved any names that I've picked out! Ugh!
@kaylababy007- that's the name at the top of my list right now, but my husband says no.
@micheyla- Amanda is a little more common than we're hoping for, but it looks like we're running outta unique names anyway, lol
@jcmommy- I like Alivia too, but not the hubby
Thanks again everyone! We still haven't agreed on a name yet, so please don't hesitate to keep listing all of the beautiful "A" names you hear/come up with on this post! You guys have been great!
@SweetMama and ShannaRay -I love Amayah and Anayah, but my husband doesn't. I think he likes Alanah though.