baby is comin soooooon =] UPDATE

edited September 2012 in Pregnant
Yesterday I had some Braxton hicks and today I woke up to some bloody mucus...yay or is that bad? Lol I'm due weds


  • Yayy almost time!
  • Your almost there..
  • Grr nothing has happened at all other than serious pain in my vajay!!
  • :-( hang tight :-) almost done yay
  • I didn't have a bloody show with my first he just decided to come 3 days after his due date, best of luck! And congrats
  • Update:

    So now I'm hoping baby stays put until sat cuz I'm being induced..hate it but I kinda have to based on availability to have ppl watch my kids n hubbys work. So sat @8 am induction begins. then getting my tubes tied shortly after. Im sooo scared! Had horrible experience with my last one being induced..
  • @LaFiiTz89 Although I went into labor with my second one, I still needed pitocin to move it along because my fluid was below 5cm. The second time around was much easier than my first. I spent 12 hours on pitocin with my son and it was awful. 3 hours of pushing because he was facing up instead of down and nonstop contractions. I hope you get lucky like I did and have a great second experience!
  • With my first two I never had no clue I was going into labor but with my last I had a bloody show and went into labor that night.

    GL...sounds like ur real close :X
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