Horrible dizziness. Updated

Last couple of months I've been experiencing dizziness pretty bad to the point of almost falling to feeling faint, I have pretty bad daily headaches but the dizziness usually last for a sec and goes away but happens 4 to 5 times a day. But for the last hour I have been constantly dizzy literally it feels like everything around me is moving it even feels like my eyes are moving all over the place, it's super creepy feeling. I don't know if this is something I should go to the er for or not. I dont have insurance

Update- I went to the er cause I was feeling really bad, I have an inner ear infection causing vertigo and a bad uti I didn't know about :-/


  • I would go...here's a bump tho...hope u feel better hon!
  • It could have something to do with your bp....I'm not a nurse so I'm not sure
  • You could be dehydratee.
  • Low blood sugar?
  • edited September 2012
    Try some juice if you don't have candy
  • Could be blood pressure or sugar like the other ladies said. It could also be chronic vertigo. I get it when I'm sick and it's miserable. I feel dazed and completely out of it, unable to focus when I have it. I would absolutely want to see a doc about it. It's hard not having insurance, but don't mess with your health :/
  • Thanks ladies I ended up just falling asleep and I've been ok so far today. I did check my bp and it was normal. I need to be checked for diabetes tho cause I did have gestational with both of my pregnancies :-/
    @rtmommy @morgdeebee @steph_due_101611 @jazzie @taytay
  • Go see a neurologist. Headaches and dizziness can be neurological especially since its been going on for months. If the dizziness occurs with postural changes such as getting out of bed, turning to quickly, sit to stand then it could be vertigo or crystals in the ears that have dislodged. Also dehydration can contribute to both. Get checked...sooner the better.
  • @crisjoe thank you! It happens really bad when I'm sitting still or standing still. And when I'm standing I almost fall just cause it knocks me off balance so bad. I just feel so weird all the time now :-/
  • @crisjoe We have crystals in our ears?That's awesome, I didn't know!
  • Do you have bouts of extreme hunger? How about a constant thirst? Do you urinate frequently? What about any unusual weight loss, fatigue and irritability?

    If any of these are accompanied with the blurred vision you're having, I'd definitely go have a glucose tolerance test or check your hemoglobin A1c to assess you for diabetes. Women who had GD are at higher risk for type II diabetes.
  • My sister had vertigo like this when she had something wrong with her ears. It will feel like you are constantly about to fall over. She had to go see a doc because it will not go away on its own.
  • @mijita well yes to most of those :-/ except unusual weight loss, I'm naturally a very tiny girl (85-90lbs usually and only in to 120 at full term) but I associated the hunger with breastfeeding. Diabetes run in my family pretty bad
  • Sounds like Verdigo to me. Google that and see if u have same symptoms. And hope u get well soon.
  • If you checked ur bp and it was fine i wouldnt panic. Make an appt with your primary care soc. Dizziness is such a vague symptom and can be part if many problems but usually something as simple as fluid in your ears, which can last for weeks and resolves on its own. Unless you uave the worst headache of your life no need to be seen in the er. Sometimes certajn types of headaches can cause dizziness. Are you pregnant? I would see your doc to rule out some things. Dont go in any vertigo meds because they will cause uou to be extremely sleepy. Try to see if its gets better over the next week, and be cinscious of your safety (driving, etc).
  • Sorry for the spelling... im on my phone
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  • Update at top
  • I'm glad u got answers hope u feel be.tter
  • @adding1more thank you. I had them check my blood sugar and all of that came back fine also
  • Happy you know the problems now and even happier that they are easily solved! :) Feel better soon.
  • that's good to know, cuz I was just telling my husband I'm making another dr appt cuz I've had bad dizziness the last few months and had them check my iron levels and it was only slightly low but it's getting worse. I do have slight ear irritation but I've had it in the past and drs tell me nothing is wrong. But the dizziness is killing me! And it's all the time! sitting, standing, walking, driving.... I really need them to figure it out!

  • @rtmommy thank you. I'm am happy it's an easy fix with some antibiotics

    @smcox def get it figured out sweetie cause there is so much that could cause te dizziness and it can be dangerous
  • thanks and I definitely will. I'm really glad it was a simple fix for you!!!! Hoping mine is too lol I've got a kid to take care of :P
  • @smcox oh how I understand! I have an almost 3yr old and a 5 month old
  • ugh, so I went to the dr today and they are sending me for an mri thinking it may be MS or a severe sinus infection or vertigo.... blah @Lacy809 just so frustrated cuz I'm tired of the world around me constantly spinning! My mom says that she was tested for MS a few years ago and it was negative and it doesn't run in our family....so I doubt that's it,just want to know what it is...
  • @smcox I hope they find out what it is soo ! I'm still spinning too. I haven't had the money to fill my prescriptions
  • I don't think MS is hereditary, it's kind of a hit or miss thing that they aren't entirely sure why one person gets and another doesn't.

    It's possible to have an inner ear infection and not know? Hm...
  • @misskristin that's exactly what I have and didn't know
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