when should my morning sickness let up

edited October 2012 in Pregnant
I'm 8weeks today. I've felt like crap for two week. The only thing that helps is smoking a little maryjane. I waiting on my pregnancy medicade to be approve then I'm going to the doctor asap. I can't take it. I feel like my sugar is so low alsowhere can I get that checked for really cheap.


  • I had it with my daughter till 20 weeks.
  • With my first I hsd it until 22 weeks or so.
  • Mine stopped around 13 weeks
  • You can go to the drugstore and buy a blood glucose kit :)
  • @captivated are they safe to take? I get paid Monday so I probably checkinto that. I'm hoping my card will come in tomorrow. I'm really over being sick and smoking. I'm ready for this to stop.
    @newmommynicole that's still like 5 weeks away O.o I feel like I'm dying inside.
    Thats sound horrible with my first I can't remember when it stopped it would jump around so much after 9 weeks. It was hit miss type of thing. @1stwoodsbaby @morgdeebee
    @wyattsmommy I've lost about 5lbs which is great thing lol iwas pushing 200 not cool. I plan on get healthier I've drank 64oz of water. 2 32oz waters from sonic. And ate tapioca pudding that my grandma made me.
  • Mine lasted until I was around 20 weeks. With my first smoking was the ONLY thing that helped me...was the only way I could eat either.
  • I'm sure it's different per person hun. Mine lasted 4 months..
  • Usually around your 12th week. My friend was exactly like you...no meds helped and she was so dehydrated a few times she almost lost her son. She smoked weed once know a while(not much though) and it seriously helped her eat and not throw up. I don't smoke cause I hate it..and before that I would've thought omgosh she's such a bad mom for that and why would you do that...but seriously if it weren't for that at the beginning of her pregnancy she wouldn't have her son. He's smart as heck too!!
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