help me please...

Since after I had my son 6 months ago I got my period regular, but its extremely heavy. I used to be able to use a super plus tampon and have it in for almost the 8 hours. The past two periods tho have be so heavy I am changing my tampon every two hours. My period used to last about 3 days now its 7 days. Any reason this would have just started?


  • It sounds like your body is just adjusting. Also, {just a heads up} you shouldn't wear tampons for more than 4hrs at a time...
  • I'm dealing with the same problem since i quit breastfeeding. While i was breastfeeding i had my normal light periods but the last 3 months are extremely heavy...I'm bleeding through super plus tampons like every hour or so like i don't even have one in...and they last 7 days now. I'm thinking its my hormones adjusting...i hope it doesn't last much longer bc its miserable.
  • @ta2edblondie @redhead25 ok thx that makes me feel better that its not just me that gthis is happening to. My other two kids Ithus didn't happen. @sophiasmom11 ok thx...I'll have to look into that.
    @ashley_smashley oh I didn't know that...the box says for up to 8 only up to 4 is good...
  • Well...bc of the chemicals in the tampons you shouldn't use more than 4 hrs...if you follow that train of thought! :)
  • @ashley_smashley ok thx:) I will def not keep it in longer than four hours now.
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