Braxton Hicks or Real Labor

edited October 2012 in Pregnant
I have been laying down since 11:30, & all of a sudden.. My baby started moving and I kept gettn sharp pains in my cervix , so I started timing the pains, and it's 12:47 and I still have them 2-3 minutes apart and frequent urination.. But I can tolerate the pain... Are the real labor contractions...? I sat up and still having them now I'm Layn back down but they are getting less painful and shorter


  • Does it cover your whole belly and around to your back?? I get alot of braxton hicks when I lay down
  • Could be bh drink some water and try sitting up
  • @Karla_with_a_K my whole belly gets hard and the pain in in lower abdomen and lower back, and I keep feeling pressure like I have to have a bowel movement
  • When i was in real active labor i was contracting and didnt even feel it the only way i knew is because they out me on the monitor. So becarful. You should go get checked just in case
  • Omg girl u should go in the bowel movement feeling is when the baby is really low already.
  • @Steph_Due_101611 I did try sittn up, they didn't go away. I tried walking downstairs and there still here now there shorter and painless , it's been over an hour
  • @jen91811 I just really don't want them to send me home .
  • How far along r u
  • Oh they will still try and stop labor if you are in.labor. but just to b on the safe side.. because i knw that when i felt like if i had to poop its was because the baby was right there.. when i was like 8cm dilated already..
  • @jen91811 I have been 3cm since 33 weeks.. Idk but this been goin for an hour and a half now they haven't stopped
  • They did with me at 36wks. They said they had to try to stop delieveries before 37wks.
  • Oh. Here they dont stop them after 35wks. Maybe it depends on the hospital. Idk.
  • Calling my doctor
  • I knw e actly wat u mean i would dilate early too and it would stop which seemed like for ever but one day i didnt even knw and i went to my weekly ob check up and i was in labor and didnt even know it she checked me and i was @5cm so she put me in a room with the monitors and i was contracting every 3 minutes and she checked me again and i was at 6cm then when i got to the hospital i was at 8cm.
  • @steph_due_101611 yea it maybe depends in which state or hospital i guess because here i had to have labor stopped like 3 times up until 37 weeks my.son was 38weeks 5days
  • Let us.knw wat happens :) good luck
  • @jen91811 my last pregnancy i was told as long as i made it to 34wks they weren't stopping it.
  • I guess it is different lol i should of gone where u went lol i wouldnt of suffered as much as i did with my son since he was too big.and barely fit threw the birth canal. Dr told me that he was the biggest i.could have without a csection. My son came out even bruised..
  • Well they sent me home cause I'm only 3cm and 80 effaced and at station -1. The contractions are not as strong as last night, but I still have them
  • So, what did they say? Was they braxton hicks?
  • How you feeling now?!
  • I sweat I was in pre-labor for at least two weeks before they finally sent me in to have my son. I had what you are describing, where I couldn't tell if they were real contractions or braxton hicks, and they were KILLER sometimes and other times I couldn't feel them. I went in once because i was having regular, timable contractions for four hours that got worse and they sent me hime because they were "just braxton hicks." The day I delivered I was at a 4 when I got to the doctor and having regular contractions that I couldn't even feel. I had him at 37 weeks. I would always go in if your having either kind of contractions for more than an hour or so, especially if they are getting worse or not letting up.
  • They just said I wasn't in actual labor , she checked me 3 times and my cervix didn't change . But I'm still having contractions there just not severe
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