A mans perspective

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Badaboom. We be preggers! So I'm here to offer a man's perspective on being a prospective new dad. Feel free to pick my brain. My disclaimer is that I'm a Christian and will always err on the side of God. Also I may not always give what I am actually doing, but will provide my best advice based on what a man should do in each scenario (I'm an imperfect human, pardon the hypocrisy)!


  • Congratulations n welcome to the board! :)
  • Thanks itsfinallyhappening!
  • Maybe you can also help the other younger soon to be dads to :-)
  • Aww congrats! Nice to have the MEN involved. My bc soooooo supportive
  • *i meant bf...srry :)
  • What's the best way to deal with a man that jumps back and forth between being excited bout the baby and not wanting it...I'm 18 weeks super excited but its hard to deal with...it really brings me down
  • Hey welcome!! It'll be awesome to have another man on here!! Do you have any pregnancy symptoms that you got from your wife?!?
  • edited March 2011
    Hey sense your a Christian what is your view on your wife hormones going crazy? Are they tuff to deal with?
  • Congrats, @GrownMan! My husband and I are both Christians, as well, and we're expecting our first. I'm 10 weeks along tomorrow.
    Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking? :)
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