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  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    June 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    June 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    June 2011
    • MommyofAngels
      My hair was black :) not blue or purple...
    • Jess510
      I thought it was purple : )
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    June 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    June 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • BensMama
    Hey girlie, I saw your last 2 posts and I really don't think people were trying to be mean, but I understand how it can hurt to hear the negative perspective of what you're going through. Even though it's tough, you should probably keep yourself open to all possibilities, including that you're just late for whatever reason. Last month when I had my mc, my hcg levels were really low and the doc was concerned. My best friend was trying to be supportive and reassured me that she was sure everything was fine. I was convinced based on what she told me and was that much more devastated when I had the mc. Honestly, I think that's all that those comments were trying to keep you from. That being said, I hope the best for you and would love to hear of your BFP. I agree with many that you should get to the doc with whatever story necessary. Based on what you told me about when you're hoping you ov'd and when you had sex, you should be about 6+ weeks now, so you'd want to get care started
    May 2011
    • BensMama
      Asap. Or at least they should be able to do a bloodtest and or u/s so you can stop stressing and get your answer! I hope for the best for you and will be looking for an update soon. Take care of yourself, girl! :)
  • hodgeslangdon
    hi mommyofangels I saw your story I went through the same thing you did. I had some women that hurt mu feelings to hun. I took about a month off came back when I got my bfp. I don't really post a lot on here anymore. I actually moved to istork those ladies were very supportive
    Keep your head up hun
    May 2011
  • Englishrose
    Hi Mommyofangels, i have been following your story and just had to write to you. you are such an inspiration to all women trying to concieve, you always remain positive and strong. i know a few people have said some negative things to you but try and ignore them, they are probally unhappy them selfs about something and they have to pass that on to nice people like you. You are incrediabilly supported by so many people on Pregly and we are all with you every step of the way, so even though you may not talk to all of us or we dont post anything you have many friends following your post who are just as excited about you. i really wish you all the best and i hope you get the BFP you want. rememeber to stay strong and were all right behind you... x
    May 2011
  • OutNumberedByBoys
    I have been following your story on trying to conceive and I just wanted to wish you luck and send baby dust to you! I hope it makes you feel better to know that I was over 2 weeks late before I got a BFP with this pregnancy. Can't wait to hear about your next test result!
    May 2011
    • MommyofAngels
      Thank You :) I really appreciate it! I plan on letting my Preglys know as soon as I know and daddy knows! :) I hope we find out soon! :)
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • Joaquins_mama
    I read your post this evening and I wish you good luck on testing again! I'm sending baby dust by the ton your way :)
    May 2011
    • MommyofAngels
      Thank You :) Im going to wait a week or two.
    • Joaquins_mama
      Your welcome! Well I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the next 2 weeks for you hehe
  • caroline8_p
    Don:t get discouraged yet, it could still be too early for yours to be read on a stick.
    May 2011
  • marie0907
    Good luck on your testing. I'm sending lots of baby dust and positive thoughts your way!
    May 2011
  • KrazymomofAdrian
    Let me know too. I haven't been able to be on in awhile so hurry up!!!
    May 2011
  • tryinghard19
    Today is the day??!!?? Hurry up and let me know. Praying for u
    May 2011
  • preggo123
    BFP YET???:]]]
    May 2011
    • MommyofAngels
      I sooo wish! :) Lol, I know you commented on my post, but I just found this question....
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • NewMommy
    Sooooo , You Get Your BFP Yetttt ?!
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • KrazymomofAdrian
    Are you from Nebraska?? If so where from i am from Eastern Iowa, I was just kinda wondering, and p.s. how old are you?? Not trying to be weird or sound rude I am just wondering because you look pretty young in your photos, good thing though. Sorry if this is weird and disjointed I am pretty tired. Lol
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • MommyofAngels changed her profile picture.
    May 2011
  • ashleymplante
    Thanx again for all your help [:
    May 2011
  • one5one
    Very nice pic! You look happy!!
    April 2011
    • MommyofAngels
      Thank You :) I believe that was the pic of my with my bf :) And I was very happy xD
    • one5one
      @MommyofAngels ok sorry its been awhile. You look so different with your new pix. Also the lil kid pix are adorable! Family?