


Meet Miss Liberty Mc'Kenzie!


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  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    _ C U C U M B E R S!, :)
    April 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    . .I think the Lord is probably sick of me praying for a healthy Baby Girl everytime I get on my knees,. lOl

    But once again ..Please God give me a healthy babygirl!,

    —8 More days until I find out my baby's gender!, & I know in the name of Jesus he or she is growing fine:)
    April 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    . .I think I'm about to eat me some Chicken Noodle Soup , &nd have Some CranApple Juice on the side to wash it down with this a.m. :)
    April 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    _ 1week , 3days until my 20week Ultrasound ..N'Bol' am I ExxxCited !,

    —&nd In the name of Jesus ..Everything will be lookin' just fine,. ';^D
    April 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    . .Is gonna get Dolled Up & go to Church this a.m., But I'm extra excited about eating some Crawfish after!,

    -Blessings to all Mommies & your Unborns; &nd I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday,. ; )
    April 2011
  • blondie93
    Ahah aww its so cutee wenn girls takee pregnancy pix. I knt rockk them much kus I just look fat /: ahaha
    April 2011
    • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
      Get you some fitted cute graphic tees & I guarantee you can rock um’. You're all belly; Not fat at all!, lOl;)
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom changed her profile picture.
    April 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    I'm sooo anxious &nd a bit nervous for my next Ultrasound coming up in 2weeks. I can't wait to see my baby again ! &nd in the name of Jesus, he or she is developing perfecftly fine; °•.AMEN.•° lOl -19weeks today,. : )
    April 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    I ♥ FruitLoops!, ; )
    March 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    Switched from Cucumbers to a HotPocket just because I spotted one!, 2:50a.m. Smh lOl
    March 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    I'm really about to get up out my comfyy bed, go downstairs, &nd make me a Cucumber & Light Vinegar Salad at 2:15 in the a.m. Greedy!, lOl
    March 2011
  • sdubois
    I love your pic ire cute :) and I'm jealous I've been dying for some crawfish!
    March 2011
    • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
      Aww Thanx ; ) &&nd I crave Crawfish like everyday ..I try not to eat them so much, but still find myself buying them every 2days out the week. lOl!
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    Getting me some Crawfish n'a Snowball ..&nd later moms cooking me some Seafood Gumbo. Ahh ..The joy of living in DownSouth Louisiana !, :)
    March 2011
    • NylasMommy
      Awww sounds so good. Ive been craving gumbo lol
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    . .Counting down the days until my 20weeks Ultrasound !, ':^D
    March 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    Had a dream lastnight that I had a Beautiful Baby Girl & she looked just like her "punk" Daddy, dimples & all!, I find out what I'm having 4/14/11 ..Come on Lord, work with me here. Give me that healthy BabyGirl!, ';^D
    March 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom
    . .Hungry!, Two Pancakes w/Strawberries On Top For Breakfast ..Don't Mind If I Do,. :)
    March 2011
  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom changed her profile picture.
    March 2011
  • Welcome Aboard!
    March 2011