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  • I also had one but luckily I didn't have any pain really with it. It went away by itself. @ripkaydence
  • @excitedforoctober Dillon's only gotten croup...but he gets that often...so if it's that, I'm your gal haha
  • Ahh see :-) learn something new everyday lol
  • I'm not sure if pedialyte will freeze or not but you can try to make popsicles out of it. That might make it more appealing to him
  • Babies need that fat and calories in the whole milk. Or I've heard a lot of ppl use other milks- goats, almond...maybe look into that?
  • It would be fun to have one sujrprise :-) I gave in to finding out the gender with dillon at our growth scan...not that I regret it but I was positive we were getting ready for a boy and he was gonna come out a girl so I was nervous the last 1/2 of …
  • it's illegal in NJ to charge more than 1.5 months rent for deposit. i'm not sure how it is where you're moving to, but i'd check it out. if you already signed the lease he can't charge you more. you're also entitled to receive a booklet/pamphlet on …
  • i hated them. and if you don't screw the lid on very very tightly...it leaks everywhere. or maybe i just got a defective one?
  • My pedi said the barley cereal is less binding than either rice or oatmeal. Dillon's had that for 3 months now and combined with 1.5oz pear juice everyday his poo issue is finally under control! :-) when we started solids his poo was so rock solid h…
  • Dillon's finally in his crib full-time! Lol we started with naps and then over my fiance's spring break week we transitioned to the crib for night time. We started by putting the rock n play in his room a few nights so he could get used to the room …
  • when dillon started doing this it freaked my fiance out thinking something was wrong lol but it's just they're discovering they can move their head in a new direction. we're working on getting him to nod now lol but he looks at us like we're weird w…
  • pitocin is HORRIBLE!! but, everyone has their own pain tolerance levels. i don't have a very high one lol my son was due 8/27/11 but i went 10 days over (9/6/11). my water broke on its own on induction day at 130am and i was due into hospital at 630…
  • i've given dillon turkey, ham, beef, and chicken. when he first had the chicken, he literally shuddered and was his face was like, eh, i don't want anymore of that! lol but he loves meat now. he's almost 8 months. it might make her poo smell AWFUL t…
  • @fate naaaah lol once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing...sometimes the nasty diapers are a little more difficult to clean up cuz of the little wrinkles but really it can't be any harder than the girl parts...plus, with 3 girlies already, …
  • @fate Most likely your husband lol I got dribbled on once in 7.5 months. haha Sean got it like, every diaper change he did....as did the walls...the curtains...the floor...haha I think mommies are just faster (and better!) diaper changers. ;-)
  • Like the other ladies said if he's gaining...he's fine. Smaller people generally produce smaller kids. Who cares if he doesn't meet their "curve" it's a generalized curve, not individualized. Pshhh kudos to you for not giving any formula. …
  • @scarlettsmama I had almost the opposite. I didn't care about anything. I took care of him bc I had to. I'm in the process of trying different medicines to get my depression under control in addition to therapy. Ppd suuuucks. I won't lie I didn't re…
  • Dillon's always rubbing at his ears anymore. He's teething...no ear infections. Teething pain can refer into their ears and laying flat can sometimes aggravate it more. :-(
  • @scarlettsmama I'm not excusing infanticide/child abuse at ALL, *especially* with the safe haven laws...but if you've not gone through untreated ppd you wouldn't understand the numbness you feel inside. And untreated ppd can quickly turn into postpa…
  • Aside from the cool convenient containers it comes with, a blender will do just as good as the baby brezza. I use a blender on the puree setting, along with ice cube trays, and I already had a steamer. @kyliemommie
  • And @2girls_1boy is right. Anemia can cause palpitations.
  • @mama2fn3 I wouldn't worry too much about it, really. Your pressure's fine, and hr is fine as well. If it's uncomfy for you/you're worried, or you feel like your heart is beating too hard, it doesn't hurt to call the ob. They probably will refer you…
  • @fate I recommend against the pee pee teepee's (if you've heard of them). Lol I thought they were a must-have for diaper changes and turns out, if he peed they just went flying. Hahaha a wipe works *much* better! Diaper changes seem quicker to me (I…
  • Yes it's normal. Your pressure is normal as well. If you're not feeling palpitations (like your heart is fluttering/skipping/missing beats) no worries. Textbook normal heart rate is 60-100. In pregnancy it can be a bit higher. My resting hr when I w…
  • Whoops, he's 7.5 months :-)
  • Dillon doesn't associate words to sean or myself but says 'mama' and 'dada' for a few weeks now.
  • We have a cabinet thingy we got from big lots where we put all of his bottles/formula/nipples/bottled water and it's in his room. His baby food we also store in his room in a small plastic 3-drawer storage bin we got from walmart.
  • Wasn't that a real-life thing too? I thought I'd heard about it somewhere... @a_wagner
  • Dillon's 7 months and has 4 about to come through on the top. And he's got croup. He feels like poo :-(
  • Congrats again :-)