Things you swore you'd never do as a mother....

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
I remember back to when I had made note of things I'd never do as a mother, and its just funny now how many of these things I've broken.

1) I used to be appalled when mothers had their kids with snot running out of their nose. Having a 2.5 year old now, and knowing the massive amount of tissues around my house, I still find it next to impossible to keep his nose clean 100% of the time when he has the sniffles

2) Messy hair. For the most part, my son's hair looks good, but there are days when i swear he sleeps on his back and just rubs his head back and forth, wakes up with a complete rats nest, I try to use spray water and a comb but its sometimes impossible to get it back down to normal.

3) Going in public with your LO wearing mismatching clothes. I'm not the guilty party here, my husband is. Last week my son came home with a red and blue striped shirt and orange sweat pants on (I had a dr appt early and DH got him ready for school that day). He "forgot" i had laid out an outfit for school that day.. lol

How about the rest of you? :)


  • I swore I would never let my kids wear any type of clothing or shoes with characters on them (i.e. Elmo or Buzz Lightyear) because they were all so tacky and cheap looking to me. Well, guess what? My son has a butt load of Batman, Spider-Man and other various super hero t-shirts, and his favorite shoes are his light up Spider-Man shoes. Now I think it's adorable that he gets so excited to sport his favorite characters, and every time I see another kid in stuff like that, I smile and laugh a little inside!
  • lol.. I swore I'd never let my son get into something as commercialized as Elmo, etc. I'll be damned if I don't have about 15 Elmo DVD's, elmo socks, elmo t-shirts, elmo bedroom slippers, elmo sippy cups.. sigh.. BTW, i hate Elmo!
  • Swore that I would never end an argument with "because I said so", def do it all the time now.
  • Spanking. But with a 3.5 year old its impossible not to spank
  • Cussing. >.< Not my baby, but my nephew... But that could be due to the fact that he's not my child and his momma does it, too. Hopefully it'll be different with my baby. =/
  • edited March 2011
    I said I would never let my child sleep in the bed with me. Both my sisters kids and my cousins kids slept in the bed with them and their husbands until they were at least 8 or 9 and I use to give them a hard time all the time and said that would never be me. My daughter is three and has been sleeping in the bed with me since she was a baby. I said I'm not going to do it with this one because it's a hard habit to break but we will see.
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  • My husband and I both grew up in abusive and crazy households,we want to do our best to not yell or argue in front of our child,and definetly no hitting especially since we as adults still remember seeing all that as kids.
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