My Story.... My Question...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Okayyy here's my story... I haven't gotten my period since December, now heres the Kicker, I took about four home tests. One in mid January, negative. End of January, negative. Mid Febuary, negative. And somewhere in between mid and end of Febuary, the test stated that if there were two vertical lines on the test, it was positive. They were faint but they were there. I turn 18 within the next couple of months and I don't plan on telling anyone til then. But furthermore, I honestly don't know how far along I truly am. Any advice our thoughts on helping me with that? Anyways, besides that. Heres my question, when does the babys heart start to beat?


  • Whoaaa! U needa go see a doctor asap!!! When was ur last period december what ?? u prob are pregnant && u need ur vitamins n stuff so go to a clinic asap!! Ur prob depending on ur last period... Bout 3 months? Or more !!! Have u felt sick ?? The babys heartbeat starts early I forgot but within the first 2 months I think... Even sooner!!
  • You should go to planned parent hood and have them test u. If u are prego go sign up for medical. However because u are not 18 yet u may need to tell ur parents b4 u can sign up for medical. And the babys heart around 6weeks so I have heard lol I am only 5weeks!
  • The heart starts beating around 6-7 weeks. It sounds like your way past that. About not telling anyone, I didn't start showing with my first until I was about 4 mo along. I'd make a dr's appt. They can tell how far you are and you can start taking care of the baby. Start taking prenatals if you aren't already. Good luck and congratulations! I hope everything works out.
  • US law deems you a emancipated minor if your pregnant which means you can be seen at any clinic for the pregnancy and they legally can tell no one. But I urge you to ask for help. If your pregnant, your around 13 to 17 weeks and prenatal care is essential. You cannot wait any longer for your babies sake. Go have someone check you.
  • My last period was around December 9th or 10th. Can't remember exactly. I have been nauseated. I was told that I am legally emancipated cause I graduated high school already buh I was not aware that you could be emancipated by getting pregnant?... Even if so, would I need an adult over the age of eighteen to go with me to a clinic?
  • You can go to the clinic alone and start all the medical stuff alone but I wouldn't wait to much longer to tell anyone. I know its scary as I had to tell my parents I was pregnant like two weeks out of high school, but you need family support and your parents deserve to know. Good luck and I hope you are not as far along as you think as it would be better for the baby. My best friend didn't get her period for three months before she got pregnant and baby was born healthy.
  • You shouldn't need an adult to go with you. By your last period you would be somewhere around 12 weeks or so. Mine was Nov 27 and I'm 15 weeks. Either way you deg need to go see a doctor. Good luck.
  • Your pregnant boo! Your prolly like 4 weeks!! Thats exactly what mine looked like when i did a home pregnancy test
  • Your way over 4 weeks dear. They count from the first day of ur last period. So you are probably about 13 weeks and 4 days.. give or take a week.

    You def don't need an "adult" to go to the clinic. I knew someone who went at 15 for an orbortion and didn't need an adult.(totally against obortions :( )

    So my advice is to go get chexked. And if ur that far along don't get all scared b.c. u haven't been taking vitamins.. my cousins wife didn't know she was pg til she was in labor.. I always watch that 'i didn't know I was pg' show and the babies are always fine..

    Congrats if you are :) even if you didn't plan it. Either way a baby is still a miracle.
  • @MamaBear13 I skipped periods all the time, is it a reoccurring thing with you? I haven't had my period since June but I actually got pregnant in October. I was 10 weeks whenever I would've been 20 based on date of last period.

    Still you should get checked asap, :). Hope this helped.
  • I ws the same way except I hadn't had a period since november n it was january n i had take home tests n they said no until 19th of jan it said yes. I skipp periods alot so that was my problem in the process of skipping I got prego in between lol
  • Wow. Thank you ladies, you all have been so helpful... I'm looking up places to go as I type. Buh now here's my next question, the whole 'glass of red wine' bit? True or false?
  • Yikes go to dr. Asap baby heart starts beating very early 18 days 6-7 weeks it can be detected but it beats very early on by the time you period is late its beating already... you said dec was you last period google due date predicter and put the first day of your last period in it will tell you.. good luck
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