Who else is due in November??? or somewhere around there!!!



  • Just found out we are expecting baby number 2! Looks like November 20th! Congratulations all of you!
  • @November_Baby, I'm due the 14th too! First child! Excited yet nervous.
  • Due Nov. 2nd...gonna have a house of mostly scorpios!
  • edited March 2011
    Due November 5th!!! High risk pregnancy here I'm a type 1 diabetic and this is my first child but I wouldn't trade it for nothing just need yalls prayers that I can have a healthy baby!*excited to be a mommy to be*
  • I'm due Nov 3rd & my birthday is Nov. 18 so I'm a Scorpio myself!!
  • I'm due Nov 24th
  • Im due nov 21st...with my first
  • Hi, I'm due 13th Nov, or so app tells me. First doctors appintment today!
    We have been arguing names since we started trying, we decided on Ayryn Dakota or Jonathan Ray.
  • Im due with my first 11/11...i like the name D'Andra
  • Nov 7 according to U/S but may change in 3 weeks at next scan
  • For Girl I likee Darla or darleen
  • Due nov 10 th 5 baby
  • I'm due November 2nd :)
  • Im due nov 15 with my first!
  • Nov.23 I'm so excited!
  • Im due 14 nov with my second x
  • Due on the 14th too yahh...=)
  • I'm am so excited for November to come! With all of the holidays, its already my favorite time of year, and having my first baby is going to make it that much more wonderful!!!! Yay!!! Due November 12th!
  • Btw, how many of you are hoping it does or doesnt land on Halloween? I'm hoping for my baby not to come yet, cuz I want to think of a real cute costume! Haha!
  • I'm estemated for November 9. I kinda want Halloween because of fun birthdays
    Or the 11th. How cool would it be to have a birtdate of 11/11/11? And D names off the top of my head are Daniel Danielle, Destinee, Diane, David, Dalyla, Demetrius, and Daisy. :-)
  • I'm due on Nov 17, 2011. How about Destiny for a girl? And Daedan for a boy?
  • Due Nov 13th with my second.. already have a 21 month old!! Very excited!
  • My favorite boy name is my youngest son's name> Dominick... my 3rd (fingers crossed a girl) is due 11-11-11. Since my youngest son came on his due date (fri 8/13) I've no doubt this little one will too!
  • I'm due 11/12 super excited, just hella nervous
  • I'm due Nov 19
  • Just found out! So excited! My only worry is that I just had a baby. My son Ryan just turned 9 m. His daddy doesn't seem to thrilled. Hasn't spoke to me in 2 days. One or two words is about it. For some reason he can't recall telling me 4 m ago that if the bc pills making me so sick I should stop taking them. We talked about other forms of bc but he just flat out refuses to wear condom. Nothing was accomplished from our discussion therefore now I'm pregnant. This is a miracle and a gift considering we tried conceiving for 7 yrs. I pretty much gave up hope it could ever happen then....boom pregnant. And now again. I'm so sad how things are going. Can't stop crying. Can't sleep. And I really don't wanna see or b round my husband at the moment. I just feel like he hates me putting blame on me. Idk what to do. I need help I need advice!
  • my due date is 11/11/11 ! too.
    I. hopee and pray its a beautiful baby boy.

    wow. we must have conceived on the same day? lol. if you dont mind me asking what day did the doctor tell you the day you conceived.
  • Baby number one due November 10th. I keep reading all about mc and don't want that, I am 2 months shy of 21 so it was hard enough to sorta get a little, but not much approval from my family.
  • My first on 11/11! Veterans day for my army sniper. What a wonderful gift. His mama's bday, too!
  • I'm due november 21st. Sooooo excited! :X
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