cramping after sex?

edited March 2011 in November 2011
Im am 2 days short of 6 weeks prego my husband and I had sex last night and this morning I am having cramping. I can't remember with my other two so can someone tell me if this is fairly normal or should I be concerned?


  • That happened to,me in sat. And they ended up being contractions and I'm 30 weeks tho you should double check with ur Dr...MAYB it was just the position you were in
  • I had some cramping in my first and second trimester, after having sex. Mine was from the muscles in my belly stretching and putting more strain on it
  • I am going through the same thing. Hurts like the Dickens! But everything else seems normal. I have done research, and it seems to be normal.
  • I even had a cramp that was so horrible after sex I found myself on the toilet thinkin I was having another miscarriage. I was as far along as you are when that happened, it turned out to be ok, what it was, I think, was my stretching muscles, and during orgasm I flexed the wrong ones too much! I was careful after that and never had another issue.
  • Its normal to have cramping so early in pregnancy. I also stayed up all night when I was 6 weeks and it hurt so bad I thought I was having a miscarriage. I went to the hospital because I had bleeding (brownish) and horrible cramps. My doctor told me its normal That early your body is rearranging itself to prepare to support your baby and your cervix is tender.
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