Business women out there?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am wondering if there are any professional business women out there.
My husband and I are very excited about this pregnancy, but I am nervous to tell my boss. I manage a team of sales reps in five different states and my responsibilities will fall on my manager while I am on leave. Any suggestions?


  • Try to complete as many tasks as you can, nobody does your job like you do, so there may be a lot of loosestrings upon your return. I would tell him sooner if yourposition is secure, so he can prepare himself for your leave.
  • Thanks!
  • I told my boss around 20 weeks and told him then I'd be taking 8-12 weeks. I didn't finalize that I'd be taking the full 12 weeks until I was around 7 months. I did as much as possible before I left and tried to make it easy for him and this other girl to cover for me while I was out. One of the things I did was put together a document with instructions on how to do certain things. I also made sure he knew where everything was, like files and reports and stuff he might need. Still returned to a mess though...
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