invading my space just need to vent lol

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 35 weeks and this baby needs to come out now. Ugh. Baby has dropped a lot in the last couple of days and it hurts so much to sit, walk, sleep, move. I keep having sharp pains in my cervix and braxton hicks like crazy. Oh how I want this baby out.


  • I am 33wks and I get bad pelvic pain when I try to do my daily walks I feel ya I am ready to have this baby already
  • I feel so fat and lazy cause all I wanna do is sleep since it hurts to much to do anything. I figure if I can deal with this for 2 more weeks then baby can come and be just fine. I hope he hurries. Lol.
  • I can never sleep and I am still working full time I plan to work until the last week so I kinda hope I am one of those lucky people who have the baby on my Due Date :-D
  • I hear ya on that one. I am still working but don't think I will take on anymore shifts after April 9th since that's the end of our schedual. I'm just really ready to have him.
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