2012 baby

So I am hoping that I'm ovulating this week. I'm pretty sure that I am. My husband got a phone call this morning that he will be out of state working with a few 3 day breaks home here and there, until June. He will also be in Africa with the marines for most of may. I am thinking that our shots for a baby this year are shot. LOL. I was already debating waiting a month or two because I wasn't sure if I wanted to have a baby in the middle of the holidays (if we conceived this month I'd be duethe first week of Dec) . Anyways....I guess life has decided for us! Any of you ladies deal with a crazy work schedule TTC?


  • good luck ttc!!! its my fertil week too...i ovulate on thursday so we've been getting the deed done at least once a day!! Keep me posted!!!! maybe we can become ttc friends
  • Yay! I would love a baby as soon as possible but I am not sure about getting pregnant this week! Hahaha! I never thought I'd be planning that much. What do you think about an early Dec due date?
  • i ovulate this weekend. my days says saturday and pink pad and womans log says ill ovualte on the 22nd so im not taking any chances and just going to get the deed done every day till im sure.. i completely missed my fertile week last month so i downloaded apps this time around. i would love a December baby. I already know my very soon to be husband and I will be having our first Thanksgiving together on base because he will only be there for a month before turkey day. Christmas is up in the air and im sure it will be until the week before but there is a good chance my parents and sister will be coming to us if i have a baby early December.
  • I'm also ovulating this Friday so fingers crossed to us all :), I was soo against a xmas/dec baby as I wanted the baby to not have to share attention with xmas I'm a haloween baby and hateee it but now I'm actually excited but my bfs just gt a new job 2day and starts 2moz so hoping its a gd week this week for us :) xxx
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