On The Verge of Having a Mental Breakdown ....

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Every since i found out i was pregnant my life has went down hill from having my bf back to having to leave the only school i wanted to go to . I have so many problems built up its driving me insane. I try not to cry and think positive but sometimes its the negatives that take over. I still don't know who's the father ( Trust me i want to know so badly. I could have gotten pregnant using a condom ) . I have the fear that imma be doing this on my own , Not really a fear because i know thats exactly what imma be doing anyway. I set so many high standards on myself that now all those standards are being pushed aside or pushed down to a lower standard. I have to get my associates degree now so i can have money to support my child when it gets here which will be in 2 years when i receive it . I wanted my masters but i guess i can get that later on in life. My mother have no idea about the baby daddy situation . Im in the process of getting em a new car and a place to stay . Im doing all this by myself. My mom is helping out but she has her struggles too. I know my decision was a mistake to have sex but i used a condom on the guy i was having sex ( it popped he pulled out but we al know that don't work) with but not with my Ex. I just feel like im going insane with so many worries and problems . SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE..... ANY ADVICE WILL DO.


  • I wish I could tell you everything will be fine but you won't believe that at the moment. It will take time. Just take every day at a time. When the baby arrives you can get a dna test if you wish. Until then just try and relax. Being a mum is the greatest thing on earth. Try and focus on that x x x good luck x x x
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  • @gabschillin i had sex with the other guy on the 31st , But i always have sex with my Ex.
  • of december...
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  • Ok this might help a little bit . I had sex with the other guy on the 31st . i tested for a pregnancy test on the 9th which was on sunday ... isn't that too early to test if its his baby ??? aren't u suppose to test two weeks after intercourse ??
  • and my period is usually due at the end of every month
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  • Thank you darling . i was thinking the same thing because it was only a week after the 31st when i tested . But a DNA test in n the equation to settle all doubts . i just knew that you couldn't test in one week . i took one of those $1 tests. I know they arent' as accurate as the other ones to give me a positive test so early .
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  • i havent gotten my first U/S yet to actually know but they estimated sept 6.
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  • they can tell u when u got pregnant ??
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  • Lol I tried to do a lot of research but I'm just hoping for the best.
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  • I don't really think its the other guy really bcuz u cnt get pregnant within a week to get a pos pregnancy test so fast nd plus we had wen my period was due.
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  • Nd wen it didn't come on that's wen I went crazy bcuz I jus transferred to another big university. Story of my life. Bt the way this preg is progressing it feels like my ex nd i have this gut feeling it is.
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  • Yeah. He haven't stopped talkin to me.
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  • ok well my due date is the 5 of sept and I conceived between the 11 and 15 of dec so if u had sex on the 31st u were already pregnany yaaaay
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  • Yea he does.... he wasn't happy but he never stopped loving me. I feel so hurt tho.

    @soontobemomof2 I was thinking the samething....
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  • yep so both of u are pregnant by who u want to.be ....so stop worring and relax I was in college when I got pregnant and I quit but now im 27.and married with my rn degree and pregnant with my 2nd baby everything.will work out for u
  • Thanks ladies nd we sure do have the same due dates...lol I will keep yu guys posted wen I get my U/S the 29th.... I'm still in college.
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