Might be a silly question but....?

I was just wondering when you ladies first started spotting...the week and day. Or if you never spotted at all this will help me alot. Thank youuu mommies (:


  • I spotted from around 4 weeks to about ten. Very very light and brown, not red. Not everyone does though because I didn't at all with my first.
  • Never spotted! Nothing!
  • I implant spotted once very lightly a week before my period was due in feb. But thats it
  • Me neither, no bleeding or spotting in any of my pregnancies n this is my 3rd child.
  • I spotted very, very lightly at 4 weeks for just two days. Then I started again at 7 weeks and one day. That time was a little heavier, so I went to the ER to verify that everything was alright, and it was. The baby had a HR of 130bpm, and it was just implanting itself. My next ultrasound is the 24th, which is one day short of 12 weeks for me. Hopefully, everything is still fine. I have no reason to feel otherwise. If you're concerned about bleeding, get checked out. It's better to know definitively than to stress about what could be. :)
  • Never spotted.. sorry couldn't be of more help
  • Never spotted..
  • I have not spotted at all. I am 5 weeks, 2days.
  • in my first pregnancy I started light bleeding at 8 weeks. So I went to the ER and they said I was fine. But a couple hours later I passed my baby /: horrible miscarriage. But this pregnancy I havent had any (: hope this one sticks ! Good luck
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  • Spotted at 6 weeks like I was trying to start my period. Lasted couple hours & nothing since. It was just implantation bleeding
  • I spotted twice lightly at 6wks then again at 13wks 5d and went to ER second time and everything was fine.
  • this week, I have. im 7weeks
  • Nothing n im 6weeks
  • Spotted with my son at 4 months and with my daughter at 6 months. Both were pretty red but didnt last and both babies were fine!
  • Had implantation spotting and then last week had a few spots but lil kailee is perfectly healthy I was twenty four weeks
  • Thank you ladies sooo much this helped me alot :D
  • No spotting 2 pregnancies.
  • spotting for the first 2 months and some days were really red...now i am 31 prego:)
  • never spotted, missed my period completely took a test when I was 4 days late:showed I was pregnant and I have yet to spot and Im 26 weeks. But it depends on the woman really, everyone is different.
  • I spotted 4 week into my pregnancy for four or five days. I took it as a regular period. Lol.
  • No spotting or implantation bleeding i'm 10wks6days...well will be in 30mins lol.
  • No spotting....11 weeks.
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