For smokers and former smokers who want to breastfeed

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im about 8 weeks and before pregnancy I smoked about a pack a day noew I smoke less then half...its really important me that I reastfed but im having a hard time wuitting completely due to everyone around me being smokers ...any advice?


  • Its really hard, i know, but I just quit cold turkey everyone around me smokes and I just kept thinking to myself I don't want my baby to smoke. My first pregnancy I smoked and didn't find out I was pregnant until 5 months, my doctor told me not to quit but to cut back drastically but my daughter still has really bad asthma
  • I quit cold turkey also just something I belived I had to do, everyone still smokes around me so ive had cravings the whole 9 months. I plan on trying a cigg after the babys born just to get over it. research says smoking 5 or less ciggs a day while breastfeeding does no harm to the baby. but the choice is all yours:)
  • Oh yes!!! I smoke like a chimney and I can tell in my bd's face That he wants me to stop for miscarriage reasons.... Im 6 weeks n want this baby in the worse way so im trying to cut back.... I wish I could just quit all together!
  • for those like me who may or plan to start smoking again after the baby is born and breastfeed look at this link :) it made me a little happy
  • I am also having a hard time quitting. I want to but when I get to where I think I can something triggers the need to light up...ugh. I have cut down but wish it was more. My doctor made me feel so horrible instead of encouraging me or giving me a pat on the back for cutting down I switched to new doc. My new doc is much better and encourages instead of putting me down. Keep up the good work ladies. Oh yeah I am 18 weeks with baby number 4.
  • @mommy2bfor4time im just happy I cut diwn as much ssuch I did.I think im gonna stay at my dads for a few days ehge its non smokers just to ween myself a little more...and im almost 8 weeks with numbers 1
  • Hey I had my last cigarette when I found out I was pregnant... which was about 7 weeks...I am now 35 weeks..(almost)
    I do plan on smoking afterward... I know less then 10 digs a day.. I was never a huge smoker to begun with... I would rather smoke cigs then go back to drinking and drugs... ya know?
    Good for you guys who have cut back..(: keep it up I know its hard.
  • Practice meditation! It will help with childbirth, too. And pregnancy yoga positions. has some positions for each trimester.

    I only let myself smoke after 10:30 PM, and not a minute before. At first, I could have as many as wanted. Then just one. I wanted to disassociate nicotine with all of the habits I had built. And I found it was easier to tell myself that I could have one later, and then I'd get myself busy with any distraction I could find. One month of busy work when I wanted a cigarette, and getting disgusted with my single a day, I ended up dropping that junk before my goal date.
  • I've been trying to quit smoking for 2 years. This last August I tried to quit for the umpteenth time and managed to cut back to just having one or two here or there up until November when I got REALLY sick, and put them down for good. I'm now 8 weeks preggo and just over 4 months tobacco free. It is possible ladies. The hardest thing for me was not the nicotine addiction, but breaking the actual habit. My advice is to just keep at it. Like I said, it took probably literaly 20-30 times of "quiting" before I actually made it. I still have a craving now and then, but they are weak enough that I can pretty much say it's easy now, especially knowing that now I also have my baby to think of. Good luck ladies! Stay strong!
  • @jwigs I felt so silly doing yoga... but Yupp keeping yourself busy works great(:
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