Do not mess with a pregos woman food!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Today I just went off on my hubby, i have been craving this steak from my corner store since last night with green tostones (green fried plantains) so i fell asleep and in my half asleep half awake mood i send him out to get it for me, comes back puts on the bed for me and i eat some of it and tell him to put the rest away! This morning (some plantains felt out on the floor) i tell him to go to the fridge and heat up my steak with for me to it! Tell me why he picks up the tostones from the floor and puts them with the meat (mind you I have poision mice all over my apt yukkkk) so i asked him did you pick up those tostones from the floor? he was like "yeah I did!" i threw the most awful fit ever slamming the food against the wall cuz i wanted my steak, he went out piss to get my tostones with steak but for some reason they did not taste like the one from last night so i gave it back to him!! poor baby :((
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