I'm planning on having an all natural birth. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but I'm still scared. this is my first baby and I've heard so many horrible stories. I keep telling myself that it will be horrible and to expect the worst pain ever that way (hopefully) it won't be as bad as I expected. I don't want an epidural or any pain meds at all cuz I want me and my little boy to be awake and alert and I've heard that even tho natural birth is very painful its more than worth it once you hold your baby. this is what our bodies were made for.
I think this is a brilliant topic! Im.pregnant with my first so can't say anything. Im not scared about labour. More excited because i no my little girl will be along shortly!
O my gosh I'm terrified! I hate pain and cry at almost any type of pain! Well not the little things lol. If you get an epidural when can you get one? Don't u have to be a certain amount dilated?
I was in labour on and off for 4 days! Eventually I had potosin as id been left so long with my waters broke.i ended up with a horrid womb infection but the most amazing little boy :-) id go through it all again in a heartbeat! Tho its very painful when the potosin kicks in.i eventually had an epidural which was amazing ,:-)
@newmomma15 I think its at least 4cm dilated.... they worry before that it slows down labor. I've had 2 epidurals and 2 emergency. C sections. Both labors were long and my cervix never fully opened. This time I'm going for a planned c section hopefully things go smoother. I think the key to an easy labor is staying calm and relaxing your muscles. You honestly don't know how your labor is going to go. Even when fully planned best thing to do is stay calm and relax! Good luck everyone!
Homebirthadvocate is exatly right. Also if the high drama tv shows are freaking u out I can't reccomend the business of being born enough. It completly changed my outlook on birth. The movie also shows some home births that are pretty amazing. She is quietly pushing and the next moment there is a baby in her hands. Talk about a confidence booster! I knew I could do it after this movie.
So, here is my story... I was 19 and having my first baby .... I was determined to do it natural and quick cuz I wanted to be just like my mom but I was scared shitless because even tho not common it was an irrational fear of mine that I would die. I had my bloody show and mucous plug fallout about a month early so I was a bit panicked. The night before I went into labor I had eaten Vietnamese food and by the time we got home which is only a five minute drive I had digested all my food and released it. I had read this happens before birth so I knew I would go into labor soon. The next morning I woke up feeling like I had to go to the bathroom. No pain just pressure like I had to poop really bad.... then as I was walking back to bed (yea I was gonna go back to sleep) my water broke and it was brown (meconium) I wasn't sure and couldn't bend so I screamed for my hubby so he could smell it and make sure I just didn't pee or poop lol... it smelled like water so we went to the hospital and I was dilated 5 cm. They told me I wouldn't have baby til dinner and it was only 8 am! I told them I was ready to push and they said I couldn't I pushed anyways and my husband begged me to stop I told him I couldn't so he got a nurse and they said I needed an epidural to keep me from pushing. That stupid needle was the worst pain ever. Before they plugged me into the meds they checked me....10cm dilated no meds for me it was time to push....(didn't I tell them this already?) So with every contraction I asked if I could push (as if I wasn't going to anyways ) in between I fell asleep so I could regain energy. Within 20 minutes of pushing I had my baby out and in my arms... dinner time? Nope had her before lunch which is good cuz I was starving so best thing I learned? U know ur body better than anyone make sure u direct people!!!!.. sorry this is long
All I can say is that epidural is the best thing in the worlddddddddd lol I did not feel not one contraction. I had a c-section @ 26 weeks which was a horrible experiense to me. The pain after was unbearable to the point where I had to sleep sitting down for a few weeks. Im 5wks preggo with #2 and I just hope this one is full term and not a c-section my son is my pride n joy but I had it ruff with him in my tummy
I hate needles too but seriously an epidural is worth it and they hype it up but really it feels like a bad bee sting and the stoned feeling after is nice lol
Im a second time mom, my first son I had him at 17. When I was cooking the day before, I just knew I would have the baby next morning. I ussually went to the restroom in the night be4 sleeping. But I ended up having to go at five thirty in the morning. I had never had menstrual cramps before so I thought I just had to go to bathroom again. Well half an hour later I went to hospital and I was dilated 4 I waited for a few hours but it was to uncomfortable to rest so I got epidural and hapilly fell asleep and woke up at 2pm started pushing and had my baby boy at 2:45 pm it was great when I saw him I was just shaking and laughing at the same time. Never cried like I thiought I would.
@Mommy2BeAgain you delivered at 26 weeks?? Can i ask why? And what was his condition at birth? He survived obviously (right?) I am just wondering because i am 27 1/2 weeks and i have a fear of going into labor any time and i worry he won't survive because of immature lungs
@babyboyontheway I had severe pre eclampsya. How ever you spell it lol. Its basically high blood pressure and they could not control it so I had to be induced. He was born @ 2lbs 1oz. He was breathing on his own when he was born. Never needed to be intubated. He was in the nicu for 10wks came home at 5lbs because he could feed on his own. It was a very scary experiense but he was such a strong little boy so strong he would pull his iv out all the time and had to be tied down lol there was nothing I could do to.prevent the high blood pressure. It just happens with some pregnancies. Hes the healthiest smartest little 3yr old now you would never think he was a premmie.
@Mommy2BeAgain thank u for explaining to me it makes me feel a little better that there is a chance everything would work out okay if i unfortunately delivered early i worry about it because i have sua (single umbillical artery) and one of the bigger risks is going into labor early and with the additional stress going on around me at this time in my life i just scare myself thinking every cramp or braxton hicks is a sign i need to go to the er but thank goodness everything has been perfect so far (fingers crossed) lol
@babyboyontheway its only normal to feel that way after an early delivery. Im only 5wks with this one and already freaking out too lol youll be ok just try to keep your stress level under control as stress can be a factor for an early delivery too. Good luck!!
It was amazing :-) I delivered twins naturally at 37+4 with a little gas and air at the end. Waters broke at 11am, first contraction 11pm, 9cm by 12.15, twin 1 born at 2.47 weighing 8lb 1oz, twin 2 born at 3.08 weighing 5lb 15oz. I just hope this one's as easy!
@momfor2 I started watching it but fell asleep halfway through, it wasn't because it was boring but because apparently sleeping is all I want to do nowadays lol but it was really interesting and scary at the same time I really wanna finish it and make my bf watch it
I've out the business of being born at the top of out netflix list. I'm gonna make my hubby watch it too. Hehe. But he is wanting me to ask if there is any "creepy bloody gore" on it. And thats a direct quote. Haha.
So its different for everyone ..we all have different pain tolerance. and I don't think its tmi either so I lucky my labor wasn't bad.I had no epirdril bc I was already 9cm when I got to the hospital! Yes the contractions hurt..there like period cramps but soooooooo many times worst and when I push the nurse told me to push as if I was going poop..which I did have a pebble..then my son came out n no time..2 hrs max..then the placenta..felt all gwey slides right out..then dr..my stich u up!! After wards..awww man sooo much pain when I walked and I feel like when I to the bathroom I would would rep open down there...and soo much bleeding..I hate wearing pads..
I didn't feel a thing until I was 6cm dilated. I got the epidural and felt nothing but a little pressure after. I healed very quickly, wasn't sore at all. I only pushed for about 45 minutes, which was a relief because they told me to expect 2-3 hours with the first baby. I'm praying that this one goes just as well. Good luck!
Liltigga. I know first hand you are weighing every option. Prepare to feel, smell, taste sooooo much that its scary. As for birth its different for everyone. If you worry about the end so much you'll not be able to enjoy some of what you can: I understand when so young the questions are pouring out like no other. Trust when it comes to it listening to experienced people. I dunno about birth but I only want a healthy baby in the end. And yes its so hard to be so young and realize how unselfish you have to be from now on. Listen to your doctors.
Well every woman, pregnancy, and birth is different. So buckle ur seat belt. My births?... #1-i was exactly 38 wks and my waters broke @10p on a wed. Night. I was strep B positive so I went straight to the hospital for my IV. I was contracting very well, very strong, and yet I didn't feel anything. 8a and the doctor comes to check on me and I was progressing fine but I still felt nothing. 4p and I finally started feeling the contractions strong. I was puking like crazy. 615p I started to push. I was puking straight thru the labor. I was puking so much that the dr had to stall a birth and come deluver my daughter. My placenta wouldn't release so the dr had to forcibly rip it off (let me just say I later found out that is medically a nightmare). Then after stiched up and what not I was sedated bc I was still puking something terrible. No pain meds
and I don't think its tmi either so I lucky my labor wasn't bad.I had no epirdril bc I was already 9cm when I got to the hospital! Yes the contractions hurt..there like period cramps but soooooooo many times worst and when I push the nurse told me to push as if I was going poop..which I did have a pebble..then my son came out n no time..2 hrs max..then the placenta..felt all gwey slides right out..then dr..my stich u up!! After wards..awww man sooo much pain when I walked and I feel like when I to the bathroom I would would rep open down there...and soo much bleeding..I hate wearing pads..
My births?... #1-i was exactly 38 wks and my waters broke @10p on a wed. Night. I was strep B positive so I went straight to the hospital for my IV. I was contracting very well, very strong, and yet I didn't feel anything. 8a and the doctor comes to check on me and I was progressing fine but I still felt nothing. 4p and I finally started feeling the contractions strong. I was puking like crazy. 615p I started to push. I was puking straight thru the labor. I was puking so much that the dr had to stall a birth and come deluver my daughter. My placenta wouldn't release so the dr had to forcibly rip it off (let me just say I later found out that is medically a nightmare). Then after stiched up and what not I was sedated bc I was still puking something terrible. No pain meds