What do you do to pick yourself up when you're down?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Woke up this Monday morning in the greatest mood. Had plans all for the week with family coming in from out of town and everything has fallen thru. I know I'm a lucky woman I have a healthy happy hsbd, daughter, and pregnancy. But I can't believe how the day went downhill and now I'm so.sad. also I can't shrug off this girl at work who keeps telling me I'm so big and how much older and tired I look. Need a snap-out-of-it pick-me-up!

What do you ladies do to pick yourselves up when you're down?


  • I always get on here..it helps a little bit top get support from others in ur position. Its hard to snap out of a bad/sad mood I know....
  • Anytime im down i always sit bak an laugh at all the things gone wrong an ask god whats next. Im use to bad things happening so i choose to make it amuzing to myself.. Better than crying!
  • Used to I'd just "kidnap" my husband away to hug and hold me for awhile and I'd smell him as much as I could. Lol, that always helps, the man even "stinks" pretty. But since he's gone (to basic training) right now a good cry followed by a good book or funny movie seems to help. Hope you feel beter soon, nothing is worse rhan the blusey blues. :(
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