37 weeks Having seriously bad back and pelvis pains

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so for about 3 months now I've been having a sore pelvis which sometimes hurts when I get up but not unbearable pain just figured it was from baby getting big...but now for like the last couple days my lower back and pelvis has been hurting so bad! When I walk when I move around in bed when I sit basically whenever I move it really hurts! I started dilating at almost 35 weeks so I think I may be going into labor soon...as far as I know I am 50 percent and 2 cm and I'm really considering calling my dr tm I think labor is comming or something! Any body have any similar situations????


  • Woohoo hooray for you! I'm jealous you'll be holding your baby so soon.. ya I'm with ya on the pelvic pressure I'm 32w3d and get sharp kinda knife like pains just down in there and my tailbone kills..
  • Im right there with you!!!! Im 38 weeks and 3 days. I've had the exact same problems. Its the baby lowering into the birth canal getting ready for birth. I have really bad pressure and it hurts to move and walk. And terrible back pain. When's your next appt? Just watch for contractions, water breaking, and mucus plug. I feel for you try and hang in there it's so uncomfortable.
  • I'm in this group as well! I feel like my pelvic bone is going to split in half! I'm 36wks 2days and I could not be more ready to get this baby out! I never had such bad pain "down there" with my other two. I hope this means my labor and delivery goes fast! I started to dilate at 32 weeks between 1 and 2. I'll find out this week exactly my dilation, thinning, effacement, and station! I just want to know so bad where I'm at! When is this baby coming!?
  • I had the same problem.. Is it painful to walk, put pants on, and you're starting to waddle a lot more than before? Any little movement is very painful.. :( Dr. said I had Symphisis pubis dysfunction. The way she explained it to me was dislocation of the pelvic area. For your sake, I hope you have your baby soon. I've been on bed rest for a month now, due to this spd, and have about 2 months left in this pregnancy. I don't want to scare you, but ask your dr. about it. Oh, and it's not hurting the baby, just painful for mommy.
  • You ladies should really consider seeing a chiropractor :)
  • I agree! But, you need a referral from your dr. first.
  • It depends on your insurance, but many chiropractors have decent cash plans. Just find one that deals with a lot of pregnant women.
  • Thanks evreybody for your comments...I'm realived to know its just the baby lowering well at least I hope..my due dates not till april 9th but technically the 6th according to my second ultra sound but I really don't think I will make it that far my next appointment is the 23rd so hopefully some of this pain will let up:( other wise I might end up going crazy lol any body else feeling like me I hope all is well and hope you feel better 2!
  • Mine started after my 37 week apt which was Thursday. She poked around and played with the babies head which was in position and my cervix was paper thin. I feel like her head is being squashed sometimes when I sit up in bed or cough
  • Firsttimemomct did your doctor say how much longer she said it would be till baby comes? Or does any one know how much longer it usually is after babys head comes down
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