18 weeks any tips on how to make things work with daddy?

Im 20 I live in miami. Ugh me and my boyfriend just are not getting along and its putting stress on me.... he has trust issues I have no clue why. I just want things to work out so we can have our own perfect family (the one I never had) Help petty pls


  • edited November 2014
  • Oh man I hate it it stresses me out so bad. Its taking a toll on our relationship I try and talk to him and tell him I love him more than anything and that I only want him I mean for goodness sakes im living with him and his family stays there too I just hope once the baby is here things get better and not worse
  • edited November 2014
  • Ya I hope that's not what it is lol my mom actually told me the same thing! I try and stay positive, what I don't know wont hurt me. I think he is just stressed from work and maybe a lil jealous because I just sit on my butt all day :)
  • edited November 2014
  • Yeah, maybe I should! I think ill make him a special dinner tomorrow night :)
  • edited January 2011
    I'm 20 & 13 weeks with my 1st and my bf & are going thru some hard times too. I asked him what his problem was & why he was acting like such an a$$ 2 me, his answer was that he's not ready 2 be a dad & he dosent know If he wants this. Basically he's been purpously ignoring me. I've learned that if he's not 100% in this then I don't need to stress over him & what he's doing, my main concern is about me & my child. If he ever comes around then great but if not its his loss but I'm not going to let him make me feel miserable & stressed. Who knows maybe they will turn around but 4 the mean time just give him his space & enjoy being pregnant :)
  • Ya I think im gonna do that.... I think he is just getting sick of me or bored of me :( I want things to work so bad he thinks that I cheat on him and I never have its so stressful I can't do anything without being questioned what should I do
  • My bf and I are expecting our first and things have been rough lately.. he's addicted to pills. (Xanex & tabs) I can't stand any of it. I hate it all. I told him that if he doesnt get his act together by march ill leave. And he won't know his child. My parents were drug addicts for a long time. Thank god they got clean. I don't want my child to go through what I did. His family and some of our friends think im an awful person because I said I would leave. I don't want to be upset anymore and worry if he's gonna od or not. Nobody around here understands my frustrations. I don't want to be a single mother but if I have to I will because I don't want me or my baby around it. I want us to work. I do. But I can't take much more of his lies and mood swings.
  • I totally understand its so weird because my bf wont stop smoking weed :( I HATE it I never got into that stuff. I don't want my baby around that but for now I have to live with it.... :( my family doesn't speak to me now so I can't run to them I pray that one day he realizes what he has and staightens his act up..... that would be a dream come true
  • Ohh he smokes weed when he doesn't have pills. I sleep in a separate room now because I can't stand the sight of him messed up. My family wont even talk to me about it. They just tell me to leave him... it's not that simple. I pray your situation gets better! Its a lot of stress. I agree with you... it would be a dream come true.
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  • I actually haven't how could that help? Im willing to try anything!
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  • Tried it. They cost wayyy to much. He doesn't have insurance. Only I do. Plus he didn't like it. He refuses to go back.
  • Ok im 24 with 2 kids and one on they way..i have been thru hell while pregnant bcuz my husband always.have pregnancy mood swings everytime.am pregnant also trust issues...believe me just talk it out cuz after the babys here it will all go back to normal
  • I sure hope so! I hope once he holds him nothing else will matter.
  • edited January 2011
    My bf drinks & smokes weed sometimes but I can't stand it. When I talk to him about it its my fault & I'm always a buzz kill. I hate being around him like that and def don't want my baby around that. Like Kara_lamek said I told him if he dosent change all he's going to know of his baby is the child support papers & that's it!I too an praying that he changes. Ill pray for all of you too.
  • That's all we can do:) mines started to cut wayyy back. I think its really starting to kick in that we are having a child. I hope things get easier for us all. Its a rough thing to go through! At least we have others that know the feeling!!
  • My husband and I just about drove one another crazy when we first got pregnant. Normally we are very attentative and caring towards one another, but when we got the news of the little critter he just about shut down and started acting out.

    I recently went out and bought myself a baby book. Even though I already know most of the information within it I found it comforting just to read other people's experiences. I bought my husband one as well, picking one on the humorous side. He recently devoured it in about 2 days time, and it's helped him to identify some of the emotions that have been bugging him about baby. We discussed some of his concerns, excitements and feelings about it and since then we've gone back to normal. :)

    Maybe your man is having trouble figuring out how he feels about this whole thing, maybe he doesn't know what these emotions are. It's important to be open and honest with one another. But it's also important to remember you cannot help anyone who doesn't want to be helped. If it comes down to it and you've done everything you can then know that it wasn't your fault. Some men really just can't leave boyhood behind, and you shouldn't have to Mommy man and baby. Just try to be open and compassionate towards him, yelling will get you no where.

    Best of wishes (sorry this was so long!) to you and yours!
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