It's just a dream. Don't know how far along you are but you'll probably have a few more weird ones along the way. Lots of women give birth to animals in their dreams so you sound normal. I wouldn't make anything of the fact that it was a black cat.
OMG I had a dream I gave birth to a white cat the other day. Weirdest thing. I wouldn't look to much into the color but I am glad I am not the only one dreaming of giving birth to animals.
@Samantha lol wen I woke up an I was like thank god it was a dream it felt to real wen I told my bf he couldnt stop lol as all I keep sayin im my dream I cant put a cat in a pram lol
Lol in my dream I was trying to give it a bath and having a hard time then tried putting a diaper on it then I woke up. I figured I either really wanted a cat or its a good thing I didn't have a cat. Lol
I dreamt super early in my second trimester I gave birth to a BABY HORSE lol! So I think you're okay not sure what these dreams mean either! But hey you're not alone!
To dream that you are giving birth to a non-human creature, signifies your overwhelming (and unfounded) fear in the health of your baby. You are overly concerned that your baby may have birth defects. This type of dream is common in expectant mothers in their second trimester. If you are not expecting, then it refers to your fear in the outcome of some decision or project. You are trying to overcome difficulties in your life and achieve inner development. In particular, if you dream that you are giving birth to a monster, then it implies that your inner creative energy has yet to blossom and grow into expression. You may have some hesitation in releasing this "monster" for fear that others will judge you or that they will not accept your ideals. Found on dream moods
Wow I'm sure its jst something we all go through maybe its a fear or a concern we have.. I haven't dreamt of a animal but I will say last night I dreamt tht I seen my bby hand through my skin it was very creepy it was like she was tickling me from the inside..all I seen was the bby moving nd all of a sudden really 5 fingers moving ugh so creepy now I'm scared when the bby moves tht might see fingers lol
sheesh i had a dream that i gave birth to my baby but his head wasnt attached to his body & the doctor had to sow it back on????? lmbooooo!!!!! it was crazy but its a part of pregnancy (dreaming crazy & weird ish)
@iris_y_juan I had that dream too but it was really scary because it went from a little hand to seeing it come out of the uterus under my skin n couldn't get out. I also had a freaky dream the other night that I woke up n someone had cut holes in my boobs n tried to stuff implants in but didn't finish n I was freakin out like who would do this to a pregnant girl! Then realized I was dreaming. I woke up and thought Omg why would I dream that! But I had been having really Sharp pains there for a few days, guess that's y.
@sariemama3 yea I've been having really bad pelvic nd hip pain when I lay dwn at night nd the nights I have serious pain is when I have weird dreams Idk but yea it was freaky lol
@sariemama3 wow thats spot on the night I had the dream I.d been at the hospital for water leek but they sent me home as it stopped im back in ive been here sinse monday im very worried as I lost a baby christmas day 2009 so im very scared somthings goin to go wrong with my son im 33wks an 2day an im stil very scared I havent let myself enjoy this pregnancy as im to stress an because how ive felt through out my pregnancey im not havin anymore baby. Everything u said is spot on im shock im glad I have more of an understandin what my drean ment so thank u so much for commentin im very greatful x x
I had a dream I gave birth to my baby boy and his legs didn't work and then I gave birth to a steven hawkings style wheelchair and je just started zooming around. I had another dream too where he was born and I was trying to breastfeed but he wouldn't eat and got tiny and a coworker of mine who recently had a baby took him from me and started bfing him. It was awkward.
i had a weird dream of me having 10 babies at once and they all came out deformed and had tentacles. i woke up crying. haha. it was so creepy and scary.
My first dream was when I was jus 10 weeks and I dreamt that I gave birth and was in the wheelchair on our way to the car and my baby is an inch long.. wrapped in a tiny blanket. She was cute I pulled the blanket back and she had huge eyes and a smile. She was jus looking at me and so happy. Then all of a sudden we were at home and I dropped her in the carpet and couldn't find her. I was freaking out telling people to watch out where they step and I was vfrantically searching the carpet for her. I was so scared. Lol
My cramping was so bad one night I had a dream I was getting beaten up and thrown around. I remember trying to say dont , my baby. I was so scared. The cramps were real bad that night.
Also, dreamed I was going into labor and my fiance and I were in the ambulance and I was demanding them to pull through the mcdonalds drive thru for french fries. Omg. My fiance thought that one was so funny. I even crave them in my sleep. Lol
@newmommyofone I bet....I haven't had strange dreams yet...I'm only 9weeks today....I have had two dreams I'm in labor....but never actually have the baby...I always wake up to pee instead....ugh I wanna see what I'm birthing
Its amazing the different things that happen while were pregnant. But I can't help that I'm ready for her to be out. I jus want to be able to eat what I want and workout and sleep the way I want. Lol but she jus getting bigger so I know she's healthy in there.
Found on dream moods
Also, dreamed I was going into labor and my fiance and I were in the ambulance and I was demanding them to pull through the mcdonalds drive thru for french fries. Omg. My fiance thought that one was so funny. I even crave them in my sleep. Lol