I just spoke to a friend about nuchal scan which im due to have with dating scan monday and she said it can increase miscarraige chances.. Now im scared.. Anyone know if its true x
Yep it just magnifies baby by 25 times...I had one at 11w and found out the sex! So be sure to ask and they can prolly tell u. And take hubby cuz its a long test and absolutely amazing!
Thank u so much....i feel releaved. I said yes as its a free test offered and i think if something going take it.. Im exited .. No idea wot to expext but im buzzing xc
It's must like a normal us but longer. They will take babys measurements and look for fluid on the neck to check for downs syndrome and such. If they find anything abnormal then they may have u do a cvs or an amino and those r the tests that hurt and suck. But the nuchal is just lookin to see if everything is ok its awesome trust me