has baby "dropped"

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 35 weeks with my 3rd child, and it feels like baby is suddenly lower..I need to pee constantly and have been having pains in groin area and legs like a pinched nerve type feeling. I read that first baby can drop 2-4 weeks b4 labor begins, but with 2nd and beyond they usually don't 'drop' until labor...has anyone felt like they experienced this in subsequent pregnancies?


  • @momx3n2011. I feel your pain. I am 35 weeks pregnant with my 5th child and can't move. I pee every 10 minutes I can't sleep cause of the lower back pain. Lastnight I woke up crying cause the pain was so bad in my back my pelvic and legs. It was horrible. I go out somewhere and the ppl that know me are like oh my you have dropped so far. I wanna say well thanks for commenting. Like I haven't noticed. Ugh. I have an app with my doc in 3 weeks since he decided to go on vacation so I reschedualed sooner with his nurse pract that way I can find out what's going on. I really don't think I will make it 3 more weeks. And I don't know about you but I already started loosing pieces of my mucus plug. Ugh so gross. So I think its only a matter of time. BTW congrats on your baby and when's your due date?
  • @momof5 don't take it wrong but what kind of doc u have that takes a vacation while he has patients close to due date? Is that normal of him? I would be highly upset
  • @Lynn25. Lol. Its ok. I was a little upset about him taking vacation too. But since I'm not due to till the middle of April I guess he thinks its okay. He's a great doc and I love going to him he was also my doc for my last baby but was gone the night I delivered since I went a week and a half early. I don't think he understands that I have never went till my due date and I have always been anywhere from a week to two weeks early. And with this one i m afraid I will be even earlier. I hope he's there to deliver but if not I know that the other two docs standing in for him are wonderful.
  • today while I was at work (I work at a daycare) I got a sudden sharp pain in my groin area and it made me jump at first because I wasn't expecting it. but then I got 2 more in the next half hour. and they stopped for about 10 minutes. but then like 5 of then came like 3 minutes apart (if that!) and I felt pressure down there. and then they stopped, I think it was because I was moving around, because I still feel pressure. and iv been peeing a lot in the past few hours. am I experiencting braxton hicks? I'm only 31 weeks. and I have a feeling I'm going to earily (or maybe in just hoping lol) but everyones telling me not to worry. he feels low, like my underware line.. (sorry this is so long)
    && Sunday I went to the er because I woke up and I had a tint of blood in my urine, but they checked me and didn't find any blood. and my urine hasn't changed since then.. I feel like the crazy preggo, cuz I think everything that happends I make a big deal about.
  • The sudden sharp pains are the baby pushing down on the cervix. It gets worse and the more you move around the worse it gets. And for the braxton hicks start drinking plenty of water and try resting. If they go away while you rest its braxton hicks. If they don't its real contractions. That's what my ob nurse tells me. Don't feel crazy. Its so hard to determine the difference between the 2. My nurse (which is my friend and I work with her) always tells me that if my water breaks or contractions are 5 minutes apart or if I am wiping a lot of bloody discharge then come in that way your less likely to get sent back home. Hope you all have a great delivery.
  • @momof5..I'm due april 18th..my dr always pushes to induce at 40 weeks, I think for his convenience! but I told him I wanted the experience of actually going into labor this time since this one probly my last, we'll see; ), my hubby wants vasectomy, trying to talk him out of it!
    @devins mom...that's exactly what I'm gettin, the sharp twinge of pain in groin, sometimes I have to grab onto something bc it makes me just stop in my tracks, I even made a noise at grocery store other day, then saw this guy next to me lookin kinda scared, lol!
    ...so I guess the whole dropping thing is not just for first pregnancies...thanks for sharing everyone! its funny how no matter how many times, you still experience new stuff with each one! glad I'm not the only one!
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