Strrrrrrrretchmarks! :-/ bleh..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Who else is experiencing these frustrating little things!! I am a plus size preggo, so I had a few white ones on my hips prior to pregnancy but now I have the on the sides of my boobies AND new light colored ones on the top of my belly going down :( need some support I feel like I'm hating my body more each day and its making me super depressed :'( words of encouragement? I'm almost in my third trimester...


  • Does no one else have stretchmarks? Thats interesting...
  • Well today I noticed some tiny noticeable lines tht look thy they wud become stretchmarks...I hope thy dnt I'll b 6mnths Sunday I'm already big n not a piece of a stretchmark...I hope my eyes r deceiving me
  • Yes. I didn't think I'd get them because I got all the way to month 8 with none and then all of a sudden they are all over my belly :-/ never really bare my midriff anyway, not that concerned over them but they do look kinda yucky. Hopefully they will fade pretty quickly, I already had some on my thighs that are very faint so I am hoping they will be fading to the same condition eventually.
  • I hear ya! I'm having my 5th baby and I got all my stretch marks from my 1st baby. I was thin then too. My whole tummy has them. It looks likeva road map,lol. But I've embraced them. Just knowing there from my babies makes them special,ugly but special. Your either born yo have them or not. Depends on how much elasticity you have in your skin. This was said by a plastic surgeon. But even now I am over weight with this baby & my last 2 and I don't think I've gotten any new ones. But be proud of them. I know there not the prettiest, but its from a great gift. But I understand you completely. :)
  • @melinda326 I think you're incredible for saying it that way!! :) That makes me think of them in a totally different way! lol But you're right I guess if theres any reason to get stretchmarks then we can all say Hey there from my little angel!
    To be honest, they annoy me the most when my husband and I are being romantic or having sex. I feel so insecure about them and he's told me a million times that he doesnt even notice. Like today I went and spent a crap load of money on better maternity/nursing bras because I noticed I am getting stretchmarks on the sides of my boobs! I have ALWAYS been blessed with big ones.. (Size D prepreggo) and now....yup Ive managed to climb into the size E nursing bras..I could cry. (not my hubby of course hes in heaven) But I know their just getting big because of everything going on inside.
  • i just started having them about a week ago. i never had stretch marks now i am 31 weeks and have some on my lower belly and yes it is depressing! my bd says its not that bad and it really isnt but reality i know i am gonna get more since i am only 31 weeks ugh so much for expensive lotions lol
  • I recently read an article that talked about lotions not really working at all because the best way to prevent stretchmarks is by exercising during pregnancy to keep your skin stretching and moving as your body does during walking,yoga, all exercise....I have NO idea if its true..but I still apply the lotion and I use Olays in shower body lotion too but this entire pregnancy my skin has been insanely dry anyway..I guess its just something Im going to have to live with!
  • I don't think even exercise makes a difference. Did yoga 3x a week through the whole pregnancy and still ended up with them. Wear them with pride! :-)
  • @ haleegracesmommy4 I too was embarrassed with Muah stretch marks. I would feel very insecure too especially since I was only 19 when I had my first baby. But as I got older I realized there were more women young & older that have just like me. No one I've ever known has ever been grossed out by them. They all say yeah but that's from your babies. So true. All my children are worth all the stretch marks in the world. They are my reminder of the little lives I carried inside me. So precious!
  • *my not Muah. :)
  • Vasaline with vitamen e and aloe!!!! My friend swears by this shes african american 2 kids and stretch marks run in her fam she got them on her butt for not applying. But her stomach has no marks D: lol
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