I need help from the bby daddys .

edited March 2011 in Daddy's place
mah boyfriend / bby dad has been avoidinq meh nd has ben rly distant lik he dnt want nethinq to do wid meh . he cheated on meh twice buht told meh she was completely out dha picture now . shud I believe him or no . idk wat to do cuhs I need him now mre dhen eva . im 24 weeks nd 1 dasy preqnant nd qoinq thru alot at hme nd he acts lik he dnt care or want nethinq to do wid meh buht he tells meh he loves nd all dhat buht idk wat to do or who to believe nemre . can yuh quys pls help meh .


  • I say forget that foo . he isnt worth ur time. idk. cheating is just something I coughs never let slide
  • we worked everything out . were working on gaining his trust back . so far its going good .
  • well that's good. if its what u want. not just cuz u feel u have no choice. but thats good to hear tho
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