Anyone in Oklahoma??

edited January 2011 in USA moms
Looking for girls in OK to meet! :) >:D<


  • I live in Oklahoma! 2nd baby due august 29th.
  • Yay where at? I'm in S Okc. I'm having my 2nd as well, due may 19th. :)
  • I live south of norman my ob is dr. Porter in norman.Where are you gonna deliver?
  • I live in lawton ok.
  • 3rd child due in july 29th:-)
  • My doctor is on the north side, we lived up there til about a week ago! I'm delivering at Baptist. Do either of you know what you're having, or when you find out? I have a 5 yr old boy, this one is a girl :) I'm Cathryn btw!
  • I live in south okc I'm 25 wks. I just moved here from oregon. Do you lady's know where I could find a birthing class?
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