Massive headaches!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Anybody else get them?? I have no idea what to do they hurt so bad I just wana puke...


  • Migraines. Not much you can do, Tylenol barely helps and you can't take any of the "good" meds. They started for me when I was preggo with my 1st. Now I'm preggo again and they are even worse. It helps me if I drink A LOT of water during the day and sometimes sleeping it off helps.
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  • Thanks ladies ugh I never had them with my son now I have them everyday no matter what I do
  • My dr gave me prescription meds for my headaches it works waaaaay better than tylenol! I hardly get them now :) they're stronger that tylenol but safe for baby.. ask your dr about it
  • Headaches are common during pregnancy there will get better is what my Dr told me I never had them with my first either
  • I get them too, a lot. I just usually take the allowed amount of tylenol and try to sleep it off. Also you can watch how much salt you eat, because some things that have a lot of salt eat can also trigger a headache. It happens to me.
  • Have you guys missed work because of them. I stayed home today but I can't keep doing that.
  • My best friend is preggo too and has been having migraines. They had her on Vicodin and then morphine! I have terrible headaches but just take tylenol and sleep. Nothing helps them tho :(
  • Have you stayed home from work
  • @jodi102011 yes I stayed home today from work and school its not cool but even with sleep and tylenol it didn't help it sucks they are unbearable
  • I get but was having them before pregnancy and they worst now and there is really nun I can do but take tylenol and of course it dnt work.. I just cry sumtime cuz dey be just dat bad

  • Ok thanks for getting back to me, sorry I fell asleep last night
  • I get them and i cant do anything about it sucks!!!
  • I get them I thought it was my prenatals so I stared taking a differnt vitimin wich helped but usually I take 2 tylenols n eat a great meal n go to sleep n they feel way better but I honestly thought it was only me n my dr said the same thing about them being normal so as we all no it sucks
  • @pooh22 omg I thought I was the only one too I googled it and it said headaches are normal because all the hormones. Even if I eat I still get them
  • @expectin_myy2nd wat sucks is there is nothing we can do about it cuz most dr. Dnt wanna put u on extra meds so its like " it'll b ok jus suffer thru it its normal"
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