Any have a problem tryn to gain weight without an appetite

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I have trouble eating and trying to gain weight because everything I eat comes back up!


  • Me too! I gained a few from week 1-5, then lost 4 & I've stayed there since & I'm now 13 1/2 weeks... my doc said not to worry early on since the baby doesn't need much yet... just do the best you can. Most of the pregnancy weight will come on towards the end. Good luck!!! :)
  • Im almost 22 weeks and im still -15lbs. Usually by now women are gaining 19-15lbs. Everything with baby still looks perfect, so the doctor said not to worry too much. Now my appetite is finally coming back. I never had morning sickness with my pregnancies just no appetite. Good luck and congrats! Try snacking while you are laying in bed, it helps. Crackers and soup, lemon water, and mints help too!!
  • Yea I wouldn't worry about it to much.
  • Yea I had no appitite at all in my first tri. I lost weight I only threw up twice but just didnt have that appitite I wud just eat crackers nd fruit. But now im 21 weeks and have gained 13 pounds :) yul get there no worries!
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