C section or vaginally?



  • I'll definitely watch that movie @ghelphaene. Well thank you all.
    I just don't want to be in complete agony for longer then needed.
  • C-section all the way!!
  • had an emergency csection with my first baby, so now im stuck having them with the rest of my kids. the hospital wont allow to do vaginally if we already had a csection. thats fine with me!
  • ok miricle you sould a lot like me. I'm 5'1 130 pounds and my fiance is 6'5 270 pounds and when he was born he was 12 pounds. Yeaa I'm scaredd. Eek
  • Had to have a c section with my first so the rest will also be c sections. No big deal, they aren't that bad! You still get a happy, healthy baby in the end!!
  • @cannonmommy18, it's so scary! Lol but I think we'll be okay because the baby feeds off our body. Haha. Keep our fingers crossed.

    I watched that movie "The business of being born", seems like csection is so much more risky. I'm still unsure, I hate being so indecisive. Being pregnant makes it worse too! Lol
  • C SEC. planning my third. Recovering was not that bad. It dEpends on how well you do with pain.
  • It depends on your situation I think, but I wouldn't want to have to recover from major surgery while also trying to care for and breastfeed an infant.
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