my baby daddy just went out to buy me hot cheetos!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
He's been amazing lately I'm so proud of him! He also told me I looked sexy with my new baby bump! I love him, he really is beginning to change!


  • Lol I'm in love with hot cheetos now lol I eat them everyday! And my my fiance get me them and pickles all the time :D
  • I eat those alll the time!!!
  • Mmmmm! Wish I could eat a smack without pukin it up :(
  • Lol yesterday I ran to the store across the street from my job cuz I was cravin Fritos. I was mad cuz they didn't have em so I had to settle for Hot Cheetos & I'm glad I did cuz OMG they had never tasted so good! I was in heaven LOL
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