Get it off your chest!



  • Okay i hate how my husband works from 7 am to 8 30 pm
    I hate how my husband is married to his cell phone always on it
    Hate how when he gets home he stays out in the living room on his cell till late
    Hate how sleep alone half the night
    Hate gotta pee alot at night and go back to sleep
    Hate my husband dont hold me
    Hate how my husband dont want to have sex when i want it but if he do i got hop on it ughhhh
    Hhate my sickness
    Hate wjen my left over pizza and he eats it
    Most of all hate how i bust my doesnuttin but get dirty while im sleeping hate my husbands brother lives with us and cant sleep in a long tsjirt haye sleeping with pants haye cant sleep on belly wow thanks feel lil better
  • I hate that my boyfriend doesnt understand at all that im ho ermonal. I hate that he does th io ngs he knows will piss me off because he wants to win an argument and he tginks I shouldnt get angry at him. Im entitled to get cranky when he leaves me with no milk and no money to get any when he goes to work. I like milk. And yu know what we been together 3 goddam years and seen him do the dishes about 4 times. I wanna relax while he does the goddam dishes for once. Does he realisr between housework and him I never get a damn break. Yeah im pregnant with his cgild but I am not going to mother both of them. Oh and if he winges to me that I havent done something yet (when he gets home at lunch time today ) im gunna rip him a new bumhole. :)
  • I hate that my dog has been barking all day.
    I hate hate HATE these f*cking weird animal groaning noises my bf makes if we're cuddling. STFU!!!!!!
    I Hate this weird look my bf gives me, if I do something "pregnant " (like eat grapes dipped in chocolate pudding or groan trying to stand up)
    I hate how clingy my sister is. She always wants to be around me, which is nice, but I need my space!!
    I hate that I'm 7 months pregnant and do more work at my store than anyone else there. (Or them all combined actually)
    I hate that my dog barked (aka had barking spazz attacks) three times while I've been typing this.
    I hate that I still throw up.
    I hate that my baby has been kicking so much, and so strong that I've barely slept the last 3 nights.
    I hate that sleep deprived me is a b!+ch
  • And I hate that the owners wske me up every morningwher im renting by chopping and hammerring right next to my head. And I hate that they come and take my bin out the morning before bin day every week . I can take it out my goddam self when im goddam ready for it to go out. And I hate that evrry time I walk out of the place she is standin outside my goddam door. And I hate that I cant eat meat because it makes me sick and that nobody has time for me now im pregnant and I hate that dont have a caratm andhave to walk every goddam where.
  • I hate when people ask are you getting married...or when people see my ring on my right hand and ask if I had a blonde moment and put it on wrong.
    I hate that my bf accepts my daughter as his until she does something wrong and then she's my kid.
    I hate that I never have any energy and my house looks like a tornado went through.
    I hate how his mom tells me how I am going to raise my new baby. I already have one that is perfectly healthy...I must be doing something right.
    I hate that I just barely make enough money to get by with nothing extra.
    I hate that my daughters father acts like she doesn't exist...3 1/2 years later and he's never even seen her.

    I'm sure I'll think of more later but that's enough for now. Thanks for listening.
  • Ugh. I hate the fact that I never ever want to do anything ever...
  • Ooh fun I hate being tired all the time. I hate being to tired to clean or do anything. I hate working. I hate when I'm starving but nothing seems good. I hate when we run outta milk. I hate how my husband spends his life playing stupid videos games hey you clean up a bit or maybe get me some damn milk. I hate peeong all time and I hate getting fat. Ooh and I reall hate hate when ppl talk lyke dis too. Lol. I hate that I feel like I'm losing my mind I'm mean I even forgot to put water in my ramen noodles and it burned. Ahhh I feel better
  • Fun! I like this one!

    I hate that my hubby doesn't understand that I'm moody and I've been trying very hard not to let it show

    i hate that I get griped at if I'm having a lazy day and the house isn't sparkly clean. Hey atleast the clothes are washed, the dishes are done, and dinner gets cooked. Not to mention the dogs are taken care of.

    I hate that my hubby spends more time on his phone than with me. Come on, I'm home alone all day with our 2 pitbulls and no vehicle.

    I hate that he feels the need to go hang out with his crappy speed-freak friends on the weekend and doesn't come home til some time the next morning and then I get the talk about how I'm so unappreiciative and I need to meet his sexual needs better.

    I hate that my mil is so dang annoying and is telling me what I need to wear and if I wear sweat pants or running pants I get this look like I'm complete trash.

    I hate that my hubby will sit in the bathroom for an hour watching porn on his phone and then lie to me and say "he got stuck in his game". Um hello! I'm not an idiot. I can hear things you know!

    I hate that my granny won't take care of herself and let her blood sugar level get over 300.

    Wow. i feel alot better.
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