Maybe Or Maybe Not???? HELP ME OUT!!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Alright.. sooo last month I had my period but I noticed I had spotting after it was supposed to be over (my period only lasts 3 days), but now this month my period was 2 days late.. I would normally have a regular cycle with super super bad cramps..
The part that has me going crazy, I had a flutter feeling that I never had before in my stomach, took a test and it was negative and now I'm bleeding but it doesn't feel like normal cuz I'm not cramping but something is still telling me that I'm pregnant
And without telling my fiancée any of this he had the same feelings... any clues to what is going on??


  • Yeah. I'm not sure. I'd see your doctor. Doesn't sound like your pregnant but try getting a blood test to confirm. :)
  • Go to the doc for a bloodtest but I would say maybe not
  • Possible take another test in 2-3 days to see before getting the blood test. You never know it might be something or nothing. Good Luck!
  • Thanks for your help
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