Fat and gross instead of pretty and preggy?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone just feel.. Gross? My hair and nails suck my skin sucks and im sick all the time. When do I glow?


  • How many weeks are you guys?
  • Same here minus the sick part.. dramatically tired instead
  • Oh, @mummynumber3... Forgot to mention, exhausted.
  • @CeliaAgnes just wait... about 24 weeks you'll get your glow
  • That feels like such a long time haha, I'm a specialized performance trainer and my clients are like... What is happening to you?! Pregnancy is not doing me any favors
  • I having gotin my hair or nails done in a long time i fell ugly. My fiance thinks i look good and cute i dont want to look cute. I wanna look hot
  • @bubbly being hot is what got us in this situation... LOL your hot-ness is just on the shelf for 9 months.
  • haha @bubbly, I just don't want to look like I'm dying
  • Thats how i fell like im dyin im always in bed sleepin so my hair is always ( i dont know a word for it lol ) but it suck. I did my nails the other day but it didnt work out. I started it and feel a sleep lol. Got up with six nails done and my fiance lookin at time with a big stupid smile on his face so i give up lol.
  • I love that my hair grows super fast but it's sooo greasy now!!! Ewww. I'm 12 weeks and also have that fake bump that most think it's just a lump of fat!!
  • Lmao say lump of fat
  • Hahahahaha... Exactly! Im a wreck, my hair is naturally curly and not in a cute way at this length but ive been too sick and lazy to blow it out! People say you know youre having a.girl because they take your beauty...well guess what its a boy and it must be elton.john because he is literally taking everything fabulous about me.
  • Six nails done haha
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