Any smokers?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm going on 14 weeks and I can't stop smoking. Have you quit? Or how did you quit? Doc said baby is doing great but still worried.


  • I am a smoker, and I am trying so hard to quit. But bf smokes too, and it makes it much harder. Good luck.! I know how hard it is
  • I'm 20w now I stopped at 9 my bf smokes also but smoke was making me sick so I asked him not to smoke around me n he stopped now he asks me if he can smoke weed around me but it helped me a lot so good luck
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  • I'm 19 weeks and I smoke BUT I barely smoke a whole cig anymore. I try to keep it a secret around some people because they pass judgment on what seems to be everything I do. Its hard to quit :(
  • I'm ttc and I'm a bit worried too....I picked up smoking about 6 months ago and now I'm afraid that when I get pregnant I won't be able to stop.
  • I smoke also. My doctor told me the same thing that the stress we put on our bodys is worse than just smoking. I cut way back and when I do need a cigarette I will inhale the first few drags then I wont inhale the rest. It still calms me down and I am not giving as much of it to the baby!
  • I'm 6 weeks and my dr told me to try out that electronic cigarette. It's only water vapor and a little bit of nicotine but none if the nasty things that make us feel guilty for smoking. Good luck to all the ladies out there trying to quit
  • Im nearly 11weeks and finding it hard to stop, all my fam smokes, erghh i hate this habit! :( i wont smoke in public around people i kno as they do judge, end of the day its not there problem so they shudnt say anything spitefull x good lick ladies
  • I'm a smoker I'm on my 4th baby n I
    smoked with other 3. Didn't have anything wrong with other babys. I cut down n don't smoke in public just because I've gotten into it with nosy I have nothing better to do than yell at a stranger for something that has nothing to do with me people. My doc said better to cut down than go cold turkey n relapse n smoke a pack in a day which is what I was doing.
  • I've smoked for 15 years. The day I found out I was pregnant I finished my pack of cigarettes and quit the next day. I haven't smoked one since. I knew that I wasn't quitting for me, I was quitting for the baby I was creating. To me that made it a whole lot easier. I know everyone's different and its harder for some but just do it for your baby and not yourself. Fyi...I still want a cigarette but I haven't given in. I am 27w
  • I used to smoke but quit when I found out I was pregnant. It was hard because my husband was still smoking at the time but he eventually quit too. I know it's so hard to quit but you have to think its only for a couple of months and it has the potential to impact your pregnancy. Do what you can but keep in mind the risks you could be taking. I used to drink everyday smoke weed and cigs and have everything up cold turkey as soon as I found out because if something did happen to my babies because of choices I made I wouldn't be able to forgive myself
  • *gave everything up
  • I smoked for 11 years and while I was waiting on my at home pregnancy test results I lit a cig. I took one drag of it then saw I was pregnant(yay) I immediately put the cig out and haven't smoked since. I thought about smoking for maybe 2 days but in the past when I would quit all I would think about was smoking now I don't think about it cause all I can think about is "baby". I wish everyone good luck that is trying to quit.
  • To the women who smoked and had healthy pregnancies doesn't mean it'll happen again. Don't count your eggs before they're all in the basket.
  • I just keep going back to how bad it is for ANYONE to smoke and I couldn't imagine purposely exposing my unborn child to it. Being an ex-smoker I know its hard. Just think about all those chemicals going into your helpless baby!
  • I quit smoking with my first pregnancy and started back a year after and then 3 years later when I found out I was prego quit again! The way I found worked best for me was prayer and sleep, in everything that I do I always pray for strength! If you have 3 or can get 3 days off work. I literally stayed in bed for 3 days and my husband just woke me to eat. The reason I did it this way was to get past the light headed droggy feeling. It takes 3 days to get past the addiction and 30 days to break the habit. Id suggest keeping gum and suckers around until you break the habit. After the 3 days you may want it but won't need it. My husband still smokes but he goes outside and wouldn't even consider smoking around me. I Haven't wanted for a cigarette since I quit. Good luck and I hope this helps you as it did me!
  • @brookiesbaby i also did it that way, i took the test and when it came back positive i had one cig and then no more. i still want a cig and sucks when i dream about smoking bc i feel like i have broken in but i havent. but i smoked so much i think my only chance at quitting was for my unborn baby, so for that i thank my little girl
  • I quit because I would never blow smoke in a babes face so how can I do it while carrying my baby
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  • I don't nor will I ever smoke in the house or in a vehicle with a baby. My husband still smokes....outside, and it doesn't bother me at all.
  • @almost4 lol I wish but wat helped me is that now he asks n knows not to smoke a cig around me anymore
  • @maybe8thtimesacharm I tried one of those (way before I even thought about being preggers) n their great really not much of an after taste n no horrible smell its odd I think smoke smells terribly but I used to smoke lol so being pregnant is tbe best thing that has happened to me so I can quit for good
  • I'm 20 weeks and quit at 17... it was really hard what I did was one drag everytime I wanted to smoke so instead of 10 a day use have a total of one.. id put it in the freezer when I peeled it... the next day instead of everytime I'd want one I'd wait 2 hours then four then one drag before bed then the next day I was good.. I quit in 4 days and I've been smoking for 7 years... good luck
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