This is my 5th baby. I have been using it for the past year or more since I had surgeries. The hospital had given me a sample, I had it last for a few months, it cleared a lot of the scarring&stretch marks up. I just got a 2oz bottle at Wal-Mart for $12 a couple weeks ago, its working even more wonders on what I thought had already looked better from when I had the sample. I love the stuff. I even use it when I have real dry skin. But, like I said, I also use the Palmers Tummy Butter with it. When I get out of the shower I pat dry, use Aveeno lotion all over, then put on the Bio-Oil, then the Palmers Tummy Butter so it locks in the most moisture (always moisturize within 5mins of getting out of the shower). It lasts forever too. I hope it works as well for you!