Yea its its from all the extra blood flow there is actually a term for it called brace yourself ur gunna laugh its called cheeseburger crotch I'm serious google it cuz when u stand over a mirror and look at ur hoo hoo it suppose to resemble a cheeseburger idk if it does I've never looked
Lol it's a scary sight, but just like you get hemorrhoids on your bottom, the same happens to your "hamburger" It comes and goes for me, and sometimes it's painful...
@Junebug86 - A cheeseburger crotch? LOL Dear lord.. But I've been wondering the same I can't really get a good look now but I'm curious to see the resemblence (On my 33rd week).
@leahsmommy they say take a big mirror put it on the floor stand over it and squat over and look down and its suppose to resemble a cheeseburger idk how in the heck its suppose to look like a cheeseburger I get a lot of info from this website I get a lot of info from here about the cheeseburger crotch lol and any other question I might I have at the top of the page they have a bunch of different categories to choose from check it out it will b helpful (I'm 23 weeks due july 14)
I've got the same swollen puffy feeling. But also feels like my pubic bone is bruised and sore.