
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Idk If its just me, but now that im pregnant meat grosses me out. The smell kills me. Anyone else feel that way.


  • I never liked the smell of meat or cooking to begin with but now I cant be near it at all. Makes it hard getting the needed protein some days
  • Lol I want to eat the meat but once its up to my face I gotta hold my breathe . Grr.@beardreams if u can't eat the meat, get some peanut butter ;)
  • Garlic is another one I dont like now. Ill try the peanut butter. Haven't had that in a while. Thanks
  • No prob hun
  • I crave rare steak, but can't cook hamburger!
  • I'm the opposite all I ever want is steak and burgers! Red meat is my strongest craving.
  • I've never been a big red meat eater..but with this pregnancy all I want is a big ol well done steak
  • I'm good with steak and ground beef but raw chicken I can't handle.
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  • Uhhh it kills me I wanna get sick I can't. Stand to look at chicken no more it turns my stomach
  • For some reason I hate chicken but looovvee beef! Usually I'm more liking chicken... weird.
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  • FInding Im having a hard time eating meat, the thought of it makes my stomach turn! :0&
  • Pregnancy I tell u lol the things women go through.
  • Meat is coming slowly only poultry tho. I hate bacons smell and peanut butter is so bad smelling even the thought is sickening to me. All things I loved before I can't stand now. Breads fruits and veggies. Are super good. I've lost weight which is ok at 8 weeks I get hungry but can't eat. I make myself eat what I can when I can. I hope this doesn't carry on after. Cause steak could be awesome right now. But that'll change
  • And yes...the things we go thru for that miracle of life!?!?! Oh my god it makes me love my mom more cause she had the same problems with my brother.
  • I can't stand chicken right now unless its fried. Loving beef these days. All I want is burgers!! Seafood is my biggest crave tho.
  • I have never been able to cook chicken, and if I smelled it cooking I woukdnt be able to eat it...but now I cant be in a ten mile radius of the smell...blah!
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