Only 3cm

And labor sent me back home ugh I want hurry this baby come out! Im tired.of.pain


  • Go walking. Have sex. Take a long drive. Sit on a ball. Excited for you congrats!! Baby on the way!!
  • With my second I stayed at 3cm for 6 weeks before they induced =\
  • @itsagirl thanks, yea I was thinking doing that lol,

    @Jackolantern06 really 6weeks??? Wow I had my first daughter was 3cm.with controns they.made me stay labor 2nd son is same way 3cm n stay at labor now this one they telling me go back home since im 3cm ughh
  • I didn't go to HP until 5 cm lol was young n dint know what labor was. Needless to say I was only their for another 3 hr before my water broke them another 3 until he was born. Good luck again!!
  • Yeah I would go to the hospital almost once a week and either my contractions weren't hard enough or close enough. It sucked!!
  • @jackolantern06 yeah dr sent me home bez my contractions wasnt hard enough sucks :(
  • Go somewhere w lots of kids lol. I was at a bday party all day...6 am the next day my son came early! Lots of walking...I walked a lot w him too. My first I was at an appt a couple cities away from my mom so I hardly walked and had to b induced. Walked almost daily w my second (we moved in w my parents!) Now on baby #3 my girl! Dr is nervous bout how fast she will b here and thinking bout inducing me the wk before her due date to b safe! If she doesn't come earlier that is. I hope everything goes well for u...and soon. I'm only 32 wks and want her out! Her head has been down for almost a month now which makes walking waaaay tender!
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