When Should I have my baby shower?

edited March 2011 in Baby showers
Im 21 weeks prego with my first and I have no idea when to have my baby shower? Im due on July 27th with a baby boy :D yay & I dont know if I should start buying the stuff for the baby now or wait until after the baby shower? Any suggestions?


  • We got some of he big stuff before the shower like crib stroller car seat then we are waiting to see what we get from what we registered for lol I'm having mine at 35 weeks!! Good luck
  • My birthday!! I would say two months before. So you can nest and have everything ready. All you gotta do is wait for baby. Also what ever you still need you have time to get.
  • Do you think its a bad idea to put big items on the registry??
  • Not at all. We put everything in ours & need up getting all of the big stuff! We didn't have to buy much at all. We have big families & a lot of friends.
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