Damn insensitive men

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Talking to my boyfriend on the phone...telling him I've been puking all day....then I said I want a chicken sandwich and fries bad....I don't care if I throw it up after....about ten minutes later I hear him chewing....I ask him what he's eating....the jerk says...oh while you were talking I stopped and got me a chicken sandwich... Its soooooo good....I flipped...told him he was an insensitive jerk....he just said sorry it sounded good when you brought it up.....he wont bring me anything cuz we don't live together and I won't see him till tomorrow....I'm do pissed I told him I wouldcall him later cuz he made me sick.....am I wrong for being mad? Or is it hormonally justified?


  • Hormonally justified for sure!
  • @aprilbaby thank you...I almost broke down into tears.....over a freaken sandwich....lol
  • Haha trust me. I've had my moments too! Guys Just don't understand.
  • That's so mean! No crime in crying over chicken....HELL I would've driven to his house n smacked him over the fries alone!!!!
  • What sucks is I dont drive due to my Epilepsy... so if i am craving something i have to walk.... and there is nothing close enough that has the chicken and fries i want... @booface
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