Hi everyone Im 18 years old & im preqnant with my first im super excited. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow im 9 weeks what should I expect from the first ultrasound?
I just had my first ultrasound today. I'm 7 weeks 5 days. With mine I saw my lil peanut and heard the heartbeat. Its the most incredible thing in the world. I cried like a baby. Good luck tomorrow!
Most likely all you will see is a little Lima bean shaped embryo-human form & a yolk sac... they should at least be able to detect the heartbeat, even if they are not equipped to let you hear it & you should be able to see it! It will seem like it takes 2 minutes because you just want to sit there & stare at it all day... but try to soak it up & enjoy the moment! Good luck!
I'm very excited, my first ultrasound is tomorrow too & I know it's possible to determine the sex kinda early, I'm 14 weeks, so I hope they can tell.! Good luck..!
Is the ultra sound usually scheduled? Or if you tell then you don't remember your last period will they do one at your first visit. I know it's different every where just winder what others experience was.
Is the ultra sound usually scheduled? Or if you tell then you don't remember your last period will they do one at your first visit. I know it's different every where just winder what others experience was.
My first ultraasound was at 5 weeks an it was an interal u/s . They seen the emb sac. Then my sec ultraasound was also an interal and was at 7 wks and seen a lil riceee baby & seen the heartbeat
They will usually wait till close to 8 weeks. This is the best time for them to get a good date on the baby. Its growth durring this time is rapidly changing so they can usually place the date within a day. different circumstances call for diff things Though so people get them at diff times. but they are all exciting! Good luck!
I go to a local clinic every month for a free ultrasound......they do them to train new ultrasound techs.......I do it cause I love to see the baby and usually 2 new techs and they both have to do both the outer ultrsound and the vaginal uncomfortable but so worth see the baby.....the clinic is actually not local but its and hour away..