baby shower prizes. Please help!

edited March 2011 in Baby showers
What do you ladies think would be good prizes for winners of the baby shower games?


  • Im doing photo frames, candles, bath stuff, lotions I dnt know what else I was wondering the same thing
  • edited March 2011
    At the change of the season JoAnn Fabrics has $1cookbooks. So for the cheapy prizes we're doing cookbooks and menu organizer notepads. We're also having a nice gift for a diaper and wipes raffle that's a $10 gift certificate to a massage place in town.
  • Pick things you can afford, of course, but also think like a woman. What are nice,little gifts you like to receive for yourself when attending a baby shower? Small boxes of chocolates, scented candles, scented lotions, perfumed body wash, bath salts or bubble bath, scented oils, incense, etc? My friend is planning mine & she also got stationary sets, flower seed packets, desktop calendars, & even shampoo. Lol! No one goes to a baby shower thinking they're gonna walk out with the prize of a lifetime (Haha), but as long as the gifts are thoughtful & fun, you can't go wrong. Oh, & some people are now giving out $1.00 lotto scratch-off tickets! Hope this helps! :)
  • I did bath stuff,lotions.body sprays.u can get some decent stuff at $1store, if u wana spend a lil more wait till Victoria secret or bath n body works has a sale.
  • i like the scratch off ticket idea especially if u have men n women attending
  • Thanks, these are great options.
  • I totaly went the rout of dolloar store and dollar bins at walmart and target. I also went for some silly gifts because a great laugh is awesome! One game i played was called winner gets all... And they got a bottle of All detergent lol. It was such a giggle!
  • My sister did alcohol at her 2nd shower. It was fun and every one participated in the games! She got a lot of variety! But i don't know how your friends and family are. Lol
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