fighting over baby shower

edited March 2011 in Baby showers
So my best friend who I recently have not been to close with. Just started to realize she is no somebody I really want in my life but I'm not going to just stop being her friend because I don't think that's necessary. Anyway when first found out I was prego she was the only one who was excited for me my mom and sis were HORRIBLE! I felt like I didn't even know them by the way they were acting. Well now they have come around and are excited but my friend thought since they were that way she would be throwing my baby shower by herself. My mom and sis feel like they should get to because they are my family. I have been trying to get them to work together so its less burden on each person and so all the people I love can share in my special day. They are all being kind of bitchy about it. My friend is trying to plan it on her own still even though I told her my mom and sis want to be involved. And my mom and sis are trying to cut her out lol. Don't get me wrong I am so unbelievablely blessed to have so many people who have offered to throw my shower but its getting annoying to have all these women fighting over it! Hopefully I can pull them together ( all 5 ) and get them to plan a great day! They need to work together I have 60+ people on my guest list! Any suggestions?


  • Have 2 showers. One planned by your friend for friends and one by your family for family. They both get yo feel special and do something for you!! Hope that helps!
  • well yea have one from them and one from your besti more things for the baby rigth :D mine was a suprise my hubby paid for it but my sister in law planed it

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