10 weeks...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first pregnancy &' I was just wondering how everyone felt at 10 weeks..?


  • I felt normal no sickness only my boobs hurt. That's all! How do you feel?
  • I'm 10 + 4 and feeling great! I really don't have any symptoms besides being tired all the time and boobs hurting off and on ;;)
  • Im 10 + 4 aswell lol i feel great. Havn't had any sickness, had sore boobs but mainly just in the morning now. Thats it realy. Im scared though from reading peoples comments on how baby stopped growing and they didnt find out until they had first scan. My scans 1st april but with no real symptoms im terrified! Good to see im not the only one with no symptoms though :-)
  • @skyeblu I think u will be OK! I was worried that there wasn't anything in there because I have been feeling so great. It really took seeing it to believe it LOL! I still am in shock that there is something inside of me. I go for my 12 week scan on March 28 >:D<
  • Aww thanx hun. Iv actualy booked in with the docs. Have said im getting cramps to try and get an early scan or at least hear a heartbeat. I think they should do earlia scans.
  • Yeah I think they should too! It sure would take the worry away, but they wanna wait so long to do them.
  • I had my first scan at 6 weeks. Go back for my second next week (10 weeks) even though I saw the heartbeat I'm still worried! I have a Feelin I won't be worry free until I'm about 36 weeks!
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