drinks and breastfeeding?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Just wondering about breastfeeding and having drinks. Not talking about getting drunk just a couple drinks. Should I pump before the drinks and bottle feed then pump and discard again after?


  • I was told one drink (a glass of wine, or something with low alchohol content) two hours before your baby breastfeeds again is okay for a young baby. But If you can pump and dump that is the best. I was told never to get drunk while breastfeeding.
  • I heard there is something you can buy to test your breast milk for alcohol. I would def pump before though.
  • My cousin always pumped before she drank..... ask your doc or nurse they will have more info for you about the matter.
  • Thanks! I'm not much of a drinker but I like a glass of wine to sit with and relax or a couple beers. I'm planning on pumping so hubby can feed him to!
  • If i was going out i usually pumped and dump. But if i was only having a couple beers i wud nurse before my 1st one and then drink water between each beer. Not sure if that's what ur supposed to do. But its what i did :)
  • So I did a little researching and found out pumping and dumping doesn't.do anything. If the alcohol is in your blood its in your milk.. if you're gonna have a drink a glass of wine or a beer isn't going to be a bad thing. But to be safe feed and pump before u have one or two then feed baby what u have pumped. Wait at least a couple hours after having a drink before feeding again.
  • You can freeze breast milk! Pump all you can and freeze it. If you decide to wanna get some drinks then I suggest using your back up milk and lay off actually breast feeding for few days.
  • @shmegs is right. Pumping and dumping doesn't do a thing. As long as there is alcohol in your blood stream, it will be in your milk. So basically, when the alcohol filters out of your blood, it also leaves your breast milk. It's hard to give a specific time frame because everyone processes alcohol differently. There are test strips that you can use to test your milk.
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